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Aditya T

Joined May 2022 · He/Him


Hi! I am Aditya, a high school student in Illinois. I like tutoring and learning STEM here at schoolhouse, because that is what I am most passionate about. I have always found learning and helping others learn to be very satisfying, especially those "aha moments". Joining the SHW community as a tutor has very fun experience so far. I hope to see you you guys in my future sessions! :)


Jan 2023 - Present

United States of America







Countries Reached


Learners Impacted


Sessions Hosted


Tutoring Minutes


100% Mastery
Algebra 1
100% Mastery
1 / 4 Topics
Algebra 2
1 / 12 Topics
1 / 9 Topics


Dana C
Heaven L
Jesus M
Tioluwani E
Sherry L
Pranav K
Milan N
Sivanth B

Upcoming Sessions

An Introduction to APUSH

    5th session

In this course, I will be going over all the different types of questions and essays you will encounter on the AP United States History exam. I will go over how I recommend you tackle each problem and do some practice. EDIT: I will be entertaining the idea of possibly reviewing the big themes across all the periods in APUSH. These sessions are TBD, not yet scheduled. The final decision will be made Mid-July.

Yuvraj R and Aditya T


24-Hour Study Session: Breaking the SHW Record!


This is a series consisting of 8 back-to-back 3-hour sessions to make for a "mega-session" lasting for a total of 24 hours. 🎉 You are not required to join all eight sessions. Come and join us for the greatest, longest, most exciting study session EVER on Schoolhouse! We aim to shatter the record for the longest study session ever hosted by participating in this 24-hour mega study session. Come grind your summer plans, whether it be: - conducting research in the most esoteric depths of mathematical analysis, - cleaning out your bedroom which you have not been able to make yourself clean for the past year, - torturing your fingers to master La Campanella on the violin, - anything in between! You do not have to stay for the entire 24 hours, as long as you are able to come. We welcome as many tutors in as many different timezones as possible to cohost the session! This record-breaking event cannot happen without a joint effort of many, many tutors. In the spirit of most study space series on Schoolhouse, we will also use the well-celebrated Pomodoro technique of 25-minute study times and 5-minute breaks. We can do this! 💪


Kindness C and 21 others


Get ready for Algebra 2

    6th session

Series plan: I'll teach the get ready for algebra 2 course on Khan Academy. There are 6 units, we'll work on a new unit each week. Also learners can come in with their own questions they need help with or ask questions on any topics or problems you may be confused on. Learners will also get time to practice the topic and try some problems. Please some prepared each session with a pencil and a paper to practice the lesson. This series is meant to help prepare for algebra 2 if you're taking it in fall or you can join for fun and learning too! :)

Aditya T and Tanisha A


Featured Feedback


Yuvraj and Aditya, you effectively introduce the APUSH course in this session! I like that you prepared a slideshow to help guide the session. I also noted that you worked well together and were able to congregate and come up with a joint idea of how the session would progress. I can tell you were organized because of your teamwork and preparation. Thank you for providing the learner with the links to a lot of external sources that they can use on their own time to prep for the APUSH exam; the more resources, the better, because the learner would have more options to choose from and more perspectives that they can consider. When you go through SAQs, consider annotating them to show what the learner should retain and what they should avoid doing so that you can demonstrate your tips in action. Overall, you did well in this session.

Tutor · 1 day ago

I love how interactive this course is.

Learner · 4 days ago

Thank you so much for the great session!

Learner · 1 day ago

Aditya and Jayden, you did a nice job in this session! I like that you started with the Heimler videos for the topics that you covered last session; it helps those who missed the last session or simply need a refresher catch up. It also looks like you provided the learners with a lot of good resources, such as Heimler's channel as well as the AMSCO book. When you go over MCQs, your explanations of the correct answer are thorough and understandable. However, you want to appeal the session to the learners; that is, have them talk about their process behind getting the correct/wrong answer before you do. You do still well in clearing up the learners' doubts; for example, at 1:00:31, you are clear and concise in your explanation of why the logic the learner tried to invoke didn't apply. Well done overall!

Tutor · 4 days ago


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