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Computer Science

Computer Science






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Join this subworld to ask questions, participate in discussions, and attend sessions.

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Join the Computer Science Subworld to ask questions, help other students, and attend sessions.

About Subworld

Welcome to the Computer Science Subworld! If you are new and interested in getting started, go check out Khan Academy's Intro to JS or the AP Computer Science Principles courses!

Please follow the rules the entire time you are present in the subworld, as a learner or a tutor.

Also, check out this Coda doc (under construction) for more resources to continue your programming journey or other general information about this subworld!







This subworld is for all computer science-related subjects, including AP Computer Science A and AP Computer Science Principles: please abide by these rules when you are in this subworld.
  1. Be respectful - everyone is on different parts of their programming journey. Be nice and kind :)
  2. Do not post the exact error message from your program! Instead, summarize the context and concept you need help with.
  3. Avoid giving answers directly - simply receiving the answer is not helpful to learners. Instead, explain the concept and help the learner integrate it into their context.
  4. Please do not advertise your sessions in the discussion channel, as it is not allowed on Schoolhouse.

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