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Algebra 1

Algebra 1





Algebra 1 Help



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Join the Algebra 1 Subworld to ask questions, help other students, and attend sessions.

About Subworld

Hey, Algebra 1 learners and tutors!

In this subworld, you can find sessions, games, and activities revolving around Algebra 1! We, the moderators of the Algebra 1 subworld (Adrika M, Hemanth N, and Rohan A ), are excited to have you here and we are here to answer your questions, make sure you feel safe at Schoolhouse, and work with you all to create a positive future for Schoolhouse. If you ever have any questions, concerns, or cool new ideas, never hesitate to DM one of us either on Schoolhouse or Slack!

We look forward to hearing from you all and working with you all to make Schoolhouse successful and impactful for many years to come!







Be respectful: Treat everyone with kindness and respect. We're here to learn and help each other, so let's maintain a positive and inclusive environment within our Algebra 1 subworld.

Stay on topic: This subworld is solely for Algebra 1 topics; please make sure your questions are centered around Algebra 1! If you have questions on a different subject, you can ask them in their respective subworlds.

Avoid giving away answers: Please promote active learning in our pre-algebra subworld by guiding learners, explaining steps, and encouraging problem-solving instead of providing direct answers! This helps them understand the question and their content better!

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