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College Prep

College Prep





College Prep Help



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To get into college together!

If you would like additional resources or asynchronous help, check out our The College Advice Database (link here)!







1. Be nice!

2. Please only post sessions related to the college application process (regardless of what country it is about!). Please post all SAT-related, ACT-related, and AP-related sessions in either their respective subworld or the Enrichment subworld.

3. No spam, soliciting, or advertising outside opportunities unless it is explicitly requested by another member of the subworld.

4. Please remove any personal identifiable info before posting content, including essays or outside links. If sharing documents is absolutely necessary, please share them as Word documents or Google Drive links. Do NOT publicly share these links or documents. Keep them within DMs.Provided is a link to a document explaining the safest way to share your documents (link).

5. High school seniors who have been accepted into a university and college students are eligible to apply for "tutor" status. Rare exceptions may be granted at the moderators' discretion.

If you would like additional resources or asynchronous help, check out our The College Advice Database (link here)!

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