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SAT Prep · Session

SAT Reading & Writing

107 minutes
This session has ended.

Session Details


In this session, we will be learning the explanations behind the answers in the Reading section of SAT Practice Test 7 (links to the test and answer key below). However, rather than your standard lecture, we will be learning in a more engaging way. Each student will be assigned a passage, and they will choose 5 questions pertaining to the passage to answer. They will have 15-20 minutes to prepare their explanations for all 5 answers, and then they will share these with the class. We will go through the remaining questions together. Since there are only 5 passages, the limit to this session will be 5 students. Additionally, because of this limit, please ensure that if you sign up for the session, you plan on attending. If something comes up that renders you unable to attend this SAT Practice Test 7 session, please let me know so that your spot can be given to another student. Please let me know if you have any questions about the set-up of this SAT Practice Test 7 session! Test: Answer Key: Qualification(s): I scored a 750 on my SAT reading, 1550 overall.

Hosted By

Sam M


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SAT Reading & Writing

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