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Schoolhouse Fall Model United Nations 2024

SAT Score Range

3 sessions


This series ended on November 17, 2024. All 1:1 and group chats related to this series are disabled 7 days after the last session.


We’re thrilled to welcome you to the Schoolhouse Fall Model United Nations (MUN) Series!

Get ready for a journey into the world of international diplomacy, teamwork, and global problem-solving.

What is an MUN and Why Participate?
For those new to the concept, MUN stands for Model United Nations, where participants take on the roles of country representatives to tackle real-world global issues. MUNs are an amazing way to build skills in public speaking, negotiation, and critical thinking while exploring international relations. Through this series, we aim to bring you a dynamic and educational experience, allowing you to participate in meaningful debates and make impactful resolutions.

Committee Agendas:
  • UNSC:
Addressing the Crisis in Afghanistan: Security and Humanitarian Solutions

Countering Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery

The Global Refugee Crisis: Ensuring Protection and Integration

  • DISEC:
Reducing the Threat of Biological and Chemical Weapons

  • WHO:
Global Health Security: Preparedness for Future Pandemics

Each committee will have six committee sessions across the event, where delegates will work through discussions, debates, collaborative resolution drafting, and voting processes. These committee sessions will run for about an hour each, giving delegates the chance to develop thoughtful solutions while working alongside peers.

How to Participate:
1. Register for the Main Series to join the Opening and Closing Ceremonies, Training Sessions.
2. Complete the Committee Preference Form to select your preferred committee.
3. Get assigned to your committee and receive access to Committee Background Guides, Rules of Procedure, and the official MUN Brochure.
4. Register for your specific committee's series.
5. Prepare by reading the background guides, trainings, attending the training session, researching your committee’s agenda, and familiarizing yourself with the issue as well as your country's stance on it.
6. Attend and participate in the conference, engaging in discussions, drafting resolutions, and collaborating on innovative solutions.

Delegates who participate in minimum three sessions will receive a certificate of participation, with certificates of excellence and awards rewarded to top delegates. The Best Delegate from each committee will also receive exclusive Schoolhouse merchandise!

For more information, please take a look at the official Coda doc for Schoolhouse Fall MUN 2024:

For any queries, please reach out to the Head Organising Members - Anshu P, Nitya D and Jil S.

Members are welcome to join the event as audience! Feel free to tune in and support your peers.

With diplomacy as your shield and empathy as your guide, you are challenged to tackle the world’s darkest crises and shape a brighter tomorrow. Will you rise to the call?

Tutored by

Anshu P 🇮🇳

Senior Host

Certified in 27 topics

View Profile

Hey there, it's Anshu! I'm a curious person who loves to learn, explore, and research. Physics and Mathematics are my favourite subjects, and I could talk about them for hours. When I'm not busy unravelling the mysteries of the universe or diving deep into the mind-boggling world of physics theories and equations, you can find me hacking (don't worry, always ethically 😉), coding and losing myself in the pages of a great book. And if that's not enough, you might catch me debating in exhilarating MUNs! Looking forward to seeing you in my sessions!

Jil S 🇬🇧

Certified in 5 topics

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I am Jil. I am a secondary school student in the UK. I am a grade A* student in Mathematics, English, Philosophy, Sanskrit, Spanish, History, Sciences, Computer Science and economics and I would like to be an investment banker.

Nitya D 🇺🇸

Certified in 10 topics

View Profile

Hey!! My name is Nitya. I’m a rising senior in California. My hobbies are reading manga/manhwa, playing video games, and spending time with family. I like learning new things about anything, especially biology and astronomy-related! Hope to see you around SHW! 💖💫 They ask me why I teach, and I reply, "Where else could I find more splendid company?" - Glennice L. Harmon

Margaret S 🇺🇸

Senior Host

Certified in 24 topics

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I'm a homeschooler who loves math, reading, writing, coding, chess (and Antichess, DM on SHW Slack to challenge!), running Dungeons and Dragons campaigns, and much more! Have a wonderful day/night :)

Rivi K 🇱🇰

Certified in 8 topics

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I'm a high school student from Sri Lanka. I like listening to music, watching comedies, and playing with cats.

Sneha M 🇮🇳

Certified in 11 topics

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Hi! I'm a junior in highschool brought up in the US, but recently moved to India, so I know how the education system works in both countries. I completed my IGCSE/Cambridge Board in 10th grade. Now, I am pursuing the IBDP curriculum. I want to network with other students, share my understanding and knowledge, and of course learn from other tutors as well. Take a look at my blog here:

Aadya S 🇮🇳

Certified in 19 topics

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Senior from India, studying in a CBSE-affiliated school. Favourite subject: Economics I — ● Can help with questions about SAT Math, Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW), Calculus, and Pre-Algebra. ● My hobby: Meditation ● Am co-hosting a Dialogue Club. Join if you are in for discussions on significant issues that impact many of us!

Sarah W 🇺🇸

Certified in 12 topics

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Hey there, I'm Sarah!! I'm a high school student from Tennessee, and I play the piano and the violin and also figure skate. One of my greatest loves in life is music; I listen to many many different artists and genres (my current fixation is Une barque sur l'ocean by Ravel), so if you ever need a music recommendation, I would be thrilled to suggest a song or piece:). In addition to music, I'm passionate about the environment, fashion, math, and much more.

Anagh S 🇮🇳

Certified in 14 topics

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I'm a student from India, currently in class XII, studying Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry along with Computer Science. I enjoy writing short stories and poems and am a national level athlete. I am a nature lover and also do wildlife photography.

Luca G 🇮🇹

Certified in 12 topics

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I'm an international student who really believes in the power of peer-to-peer interactions. In particular, I truly think they are powerful because they prove that math is way easier than your handbook seems to suggest. I’m also very into history. In my free time, I learn foreign languages and read.

Anastasia M 🇬🇪

Certified in 56 topics

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⭐ ABOUT ME: I am a rising Senior from Georgia (country). I am a founder of the first Key Club in my country & AAT Competitions (organization, which hosts competitions in various fields). I am a bank intern at the country's top1 Bank according to Forbes & one of the largest national broadcasting channels (in finances). I have written two dictionaries + translated Georgian rugby founder's book from Georgian to English. I have participated in two HIGHLY selective research programs (Lumiere + Pioneer) in Economics and Finances. I have multiple awards on competitions from various fields like Math, Economics, Robotics, and Research. 👩‍🏫 TUTORING EXPERIENCE: Besides Schoolhouse, I've been a tutor in multiple different organizations. I was a co-founder and lead organizer of a STEM Summer School for Georgian public schools' students. I was a volunteering English teacher for 5-6th graders, English Assistant Teacher at a Georgian Summer School, Math Teacher at a Georgian school's Saturday School. (I can't name the schools because of Schoolhouse policy:) ) 📚 SAT EXPERIENCE: I am an author of SAT Math Dictionary. I've written SAT once and got the score that I wanted. I have paid for tutors and courses, but I realized that they were a waste of money. I have figured out the best study techniques you can use for achieving your target score: what resources you can use, how you can use them, how to set up an effective study plan, all the tips & tricks the tutors one pays for don't tell you. I know how to approach different types of questions, and I am more than willing to share my knowledge and experience with you!



Delegates are highly encouraged to join the opening and closing ceremonies, as well as the training session. However, if you are not able to join any session, please let us know beforehand.





Community Events

Community Events

Sat 1:30 AM - 2:45 AM UTCNov 16, 1:30 AM - 2:45 AM UTC

Welcome to the Opening Ceremony of the third Schoolhouse MUN. In this session, we will give an introduction to the event, the committees and their agendas, and our amazing co-chairs! We’ll give you the itinerary for the MUN as well as information about prizes and eligibility for the same and officially declare the MUN open! Hope to see you all there!




Community Events

Community Events

Sat 3:00 AM - 4:15 AM UTCNov 16, 3:00 AM - 4:15 AM UTC

In the Training Session, the delegates will be made familiar with the rules of procedure of the Schoolhouse MUN and made familiar with how a MUN conference takes place. Additionally, we will be available to answer questions and offer tips to enhance delegates' performance during committee sessions.
(This session is highly recommended!)




Community Events

Community Events

Sun 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM UTCNov 17, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM UTC

Welcome to the Closing Ceremony of the conference! This session will include speeches that summarise the event’s outcomes, the presentation of awards to outstanding delegates, and final remarks from the Organising Committee. The ceremony highlights key moments from the conference, celebrates the hard work of participants, and formally closes the event.

Public Discussion

Please log in to see discussion on this series.

Nov 16 - Nov 17

1 week

60 - 75 mins

/ session


Saturday, Nov 16


Saturday, Nov 16


Sunday, Nov 17
