Geometry Help
Here are some things to keep in mind:
- If you come across a question that you intended to answer but find that another tutor has already provided a correct response, feel free to react with "⬆️"
- Try to help out without giving the direct answer (especially if it is a multiple choice question)
Tips for Answering Questions:
- We know it can be tempting to simply give learners the answers to their questions. However, it's important to guide the learner towards the solution instead of simply giving them the answer. This helps them understand the concept and apply that knowledge to future problems as well.
- One of the best ways to do this is to ask open-ended questions!
Here are a few you can ask:
1. What you already know about this topic?
2. What do you think the answer might be? Why do you think that?
3. Could you try to explain this concept to me?
4. Can you think of any alternate ways to solve this?
5. How does this concept relate to other concepts you have learned?
If the learner is online, we encourage you to to open a Live Help session! This will allow you to interact with the learner in real-time, answer their questions, and guide them towards the solution!
We know that guiding learners toward the solutions requires a lot of patience and an adaptive approach to teaching! We appreciate everyone’s hard work in the Geometry Subworld! Thank you so much for your help!
% Solved
14 min
Median Response Time