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College Prep

College Prep





College Advice Help



College Prep

College Prep


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College Prep Series


College Crash Course


The College Advice Moderator Team is excited to announce our newest series: College Crash Course! We will be covering almost every curriculum we have through July from the beginning to the end of the college process. Listed below are the types of sessions: 📝 [Planning for College]( | Early half of the 2nd week of July We will learn about what extracurriculars to take and how to find them, deciding which classes to take and when to take them (AP, honors, and IB), and how to study for and when to take the different standardized tests (SAT, AP, ACT). 🗺️ [What & Where]( | Later half of the 2nd week of July Tips and tricks on picking colleges to apply to. We will be talking about what you should look for in a college and what things are green flags. This is for anyone who plans to apply to college. 📋 [All About the Application]( | Early half of the 3rd week of July We will learn about the format of Common App, what is on the application, test scores (and if you should use them), what to write about, choosing colleges to apply for, and what admissions officers look for. We will walk you through the Common App website and show you some websites which are good for finding colleges. ✒️[ Starting the College Essay]( | Later half of the 3rd week of July You will learn what topics to write about, how to find inspiration, and how to motivate yourself to write your college essays. We will cover tips for both personal statements and supplemental essays. 💸 [The Cost of College]( | Early half of the 4th week of July We will learn about what it costs to go to college, what is merit aid, how to apply to scholarships, and how FAFSA works. You will learn some good websites to find scholarships on and websites which will calculate the cost of college based on salary, living costs, etc. 💞 [The Power of Passion Projects]( | Later half of the 4th week of July We will be covering what passion projects are, how to start your own passion project, and multiple different examples of passion projects. 💼 [Career Readiness 101]( | Early half of the 5th week of July We will learn about the most important skills for college: resumes, CVs, interviewing, and networking! Feel free to write a resume ahead of time and edit according to advice learned during the session. College is nothing if you can't get a job afterwards! 💭 [How?]( | Later half of the 5th week of July Once you've gotten in, how do you prepare for college? Some tips on how to succeed, what to bring (packing list), and how to manage your time. This is for people heading into college this fall!

Cindy A


All About the Personal Statement College Essay 📝🎓


Many students aspire to enter top universities but face misconceptions about what admission officers seek and how to structure their essays. This series will show successful Ivy League personal statements and guide you on how to create a unique statement to impress admission officers. Each session will involve an Ivy League/Ivy Plus personal statement example, followed by an analysis of what made that essay successful, as well as a comprehensive overview of how to write an outstanding personal statement for college. At the end of each session, we will also have a Q&A on college essay-writing with any time left over. 📝✍️🎓📚

Sophie Z

2 spots left!

All About the Application

18th session

The College Advice Moderator team is excited to bring back All About the Application where we will be doing a deep dive into almost everything about the Common App! New to this series, wonderful College Advice Tutors will also be hosting Ask Me Anything's (AMAs) on their application and college experience. To Tutors: If you would like to host an AMA session, please DM Cindy to participate! 📝 All About the Application - We will learn about the format of Common App, what is on the application, test scores (and if you should use them), what to write about, choosing colleges to apply for, and what admissions officers look for. We will walk you through the Common App website and show you some websites which are good for finding colleges. ❓ Ask Me Anything - This is your chance to ask tutors how they ended up where they are. Look at the session descriptions below and mark your calendars for AMAs hosted by people in your field of interest.

Cindy A


Application Crash Course


I've limited the series to five learners to allow for personalized feedback. This is primarily intended for rising seniors, but others are welcome to attend. Please only join if you will actively participate. Using chat is completely acceptable. I want to help you create a cohesive application that strategically connects your extracurriculars, essays, and experiences in a way that will make you stand out. My goal is to make every week very discussion-oriented so your peers can easily give advice too. Each week we will be covering different key aspects of the college application. If you're serious about attending a competitive institution and want to get a head start on the application then this series is for you! You aren't expected to have any parts of your application completed before the series. This is the current schedule.  Session 1 - Colleges/Extracurriculars  Session 2 - Common Application Essay Session 3 - Supplemental Essays/Preparing for Fall Semester

Brooke O

Registration full.

College Prep Sessions


Sunday, July 14

  • Why should you start a Passion Project?

5:00 PM - 6:10 PM

Hey everyone, welcome to this session!! Passion projects are important for one's college admission. These projects allow you to incorporate what you are passionate about. For example, women rights, global warming, and etc. They allow you to challenge yourself, which gives you growth as a person and more! Basically, a passion project can enhance a college application by showing an applicant's dedication, unique talents, personal growth, and alignment with their interests and values. Hope to see you guys there!! 😊

Nitya D
