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Mia A


Joined Sep 2024 · 4:23 AM Local


Hey everyone! My name is Mia, and I am a junior in high school. I've been homeschooled almost my entire life (except for that one 7 month private school season *shiver*). I love reading and learning languages! I am taking College Composition this year, and I am hoping that I can use my knowledge of the English language to help other students score well on the SAT. I also have some valuable test taking tips that helped me manage time on this test, so I hope to share those with you all as well!


Oct 2024 - Present








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SAT Reading & Writing


Joshua P
Alexa P
Krista R
Merveilleux D
Sudiksha B
Abby D
Melody V
Michael S
Alex P
Karen K

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Featured Feedback


Hi Mia, Good job on your session on SAT help. You went through several SAT questions with Lopez at different levels of complexity and provided good explanations. I liked your idea of highlighting the keywords in the questions. You were well prepared for the session, sounded confident and provided great tips for the learner to improve his English skills.

Tutor · 21 hr. ago

yes, Lopez was able to answer SAT reading questions correctly, for example, the question related to the book "Smart pricing". He also provided reasoning for his answer.

Tutor · 21 hr. ago

You had a great conversation with Lopez at the beginning of the session to understand his current level in SAT, his struggles, and the practices he has completed so far. This is a great way to understand and adapt to the learner's unique needs. You let the learner read the question, attempt it, and provide his reasoning even if it is the wrong answer. This is the best way to help the learner understand his mistake. You also confirmed his progress and stated that he has improved his strategy at the end of the session.

Tutor · 21 hr. ago

You were friendly, sounded motivating, provided great tips to improve his English skills as he is an international student. You told him that you see improvement in his strategy, at the end of the session, made him feel better.

Tutor · 21 hr. ago


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