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Mia A


Joined Sep 2024 · 3:38 AM Local


Hey everyone! My name is Mia, and I am a junior in high school. I've been homeschooled almost my entire life, and I am also an SAT R&W prep and Reading tutor.

Some fun facts about me

- I am a powerlifter

- I have taken Russian for 4 years, and I am also fluent in Hindi (hoping to use both in my career)

- I love to read, bake, and hang out with people

- I want to join Air Force ROTC and serve active duty. Many people in my life ask me why I chose this career path. The answer is always the same. My grandpa served in the armed forces. Thousands, upon millions of men have served before me, in order to ensure my future. Thousands of men sacrificed their time, their relationships with their loved ones, and even their lives so that I could freely enjoy the rights I have as a U.S. Citizen today. Without those sacrifices, I would not have these freedoms. I would live a very different life. They ensured my generation's freedom. I feel a duty to honor their sacrifice, and ensure the future of the next generation. I am physically able and mentally capable to perform my duty to my country and to the men who sacrificed for me. 4 years of service seems like such a small thing in comparison.


Oct 2024 - Present








Countries Reached


Learners Impacted


Sessions Hosted


Tutoring Minutes


SAT Reading & Writing


Joshua P
Alexa P
Krista R
Merveilleux D
Sudiksha B
Abby D
Melody V
Michael S
Alex P
Karen K

Upcoming Sessions

Mia isn't hosting anything soon, but you can follow them to get updates on future sessions.

Featured Feedback


One thing that stood out was how you made Saanvi feel comfortable enough to give full-depth explanations, even when she wasn’t sure if she was right. That kind of confidence-building is crucial for learning. For example, after a difficult question, you could ask, “What’s one takeaway from this problem that we should remember for next time?”

Tutor · 11 days ago

Yes, you were well prepared and brought a great energy to the session. Your ability to build a comfortable and engaging environment before diving into learning helped set a positive tone. The way you encouraged open conversation made the session feel more relaxed and approachable.

Tutor · 11 days ago

Yes, the fact that Saanvi was able to explain her reasoning in depth—even when uncertain—shows that she was actively thinking through problems rather than just guessing. The confidence she displayed in brushing off mistakes also suggests that she is becoming more resilient in her learning process.

Tutor · 11 days ago

The learning environment felt dynamic and supportive. The laughter and bonding at the beginning helped set a positive tone, and your encouragement made it a space where students weren’t afraid to make mistakes. For future sessions, you might consider using breakout groups or paired discussions to maintain that engagement while also deepening peer learning.

Tutor · 11 days ago


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