That was really good from you that you checked her prior knowledge before diving into the actual contents of the session. And I am not sure, but I believe this whole series is dedicated to Hind S, which is why you asked her and marked the words with which she can easily mistake for. That's good, showing that you have a positive interaction with your learner.
I gave "Intermediate" level for "Continuously engaging learners" is because it states that you are frequently engaging learners to "solve problems", but the majority of engagement still comes from the tutor. For a session where the learners are learning new concepts, I would say this is the norm, because obviously we don't expect them to know each and everything. I really would have liked to give you "Advanced" in that rhetoric, since you were actually engaging her to try to translate the sentences for herself, and even applauded when she was able to translate "Difference between critical thinking and creative thinking".
Tutor · 5 mo. ago