This class aims to cover intro-level Linear Algebra, emphasizing the connections between geometric and numerical interpretations of the concepts taught.
Prerequisites for this course are:
Alg. 1, Geometry, and Alg. 2: Reqired
Trig: Strongly Recommended
Precalc: Helpful
Calculus is not required, but it doesn't hurt to have it under your belt too.
Please note that I chose the timings for this class somewhat arbitrarily, so I'm completely fine with changing the time/day (Saturday or Sunday) if many of you request it.
I am also unsure if I paced the course correctly, so I may have to add sessions here and there, ask you to learn some material from a lesson document I write (complete with content and practice exercises), or extend sessions in order to cover everything I want to. Some topics are not essential to the progression of the course, so if needed, I may skip them.