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Owen M


Joined Dec 2023 · He/Him · 8:43 AM Local


As a high school senior, I'm really interested in mathematics and computer science. I am excited to use my skills and knowledge to help others in any way possible. Whether it's tutoring a fellow student or solving a problem, I am always up for a challenge!


Jan 2024 - Present

United States of America







Countries Reached


Learners Impacted


Sessions Hosted


Tutoring Minutes


Algebra 2
2 / 12 Topics
1 / 10 Topics
11 / 15 Topics
Algebra 1
5 / 14 Topics
SAT® Prep


Owen G
Carlos C
Maroua A
Paul A
Nanzibah H
Akshay R
Drew B
Anees I
Ellen B
Salman K

Upcoming Sessions

Owen isn't hosting anything soon, but you can follow them to get updates on future sessions.

Featured Feedback


You had really clear and transparent explanations coming to having explain stuff so well! I loved how you were able to reiterate such complex topics into very simple language in order for your learners to understand. Overall, great job!

Tutor · 17 days ago

Thank you very much for today's session sir. I learned a lot about linear equations today. Thank you so much for explaining the slopes and y intercepts. Thank you for answering questions and thank you for the great explanations. Thank you for explaining the english and mathematical terms to me. I appreciate it a lot as I'm an international student.

Learner · 1 mo. ago

I think that you showed personality and that you were able to show that you really care about the learner as a whole, which is great in general. I loved how you really cared about the learner's understanding greatly in this session.

Tutor · 17 days ago

Thank you very much for today's session sir. I gained very valuable insights and knowledge from our discussion today. It was super super super helpful for my upcoming SAT exam. I actually don't have enough words to describe what an amazing tutor you are. Thank you very much for answering all of my questions. It means a lot to me. Thank you for making the lesson really engaging by asking me to explain some of the questions. It helped me to learn new patterns of solving problems in linear equations in one variable. Thank you so much for the encouraging words sir.

Learner · 1 mo. ago


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