Thank you for the session, although it was just one session, I really really appreciate the time and effort you dedicate to these lovely topics that should be discussed! I soso love the idea, from the powerpoint to the guided motions, I really like the planned structure, thought and care put behind this :)! Even though there were unexpected responses that the tutor could not control, like the offtopic session attendee, where I personally felt uncomfortable as points brought up were becoming derailed.. I think if this would be (whats the right word, moderated?) to make sure everyone’s thoughts were respected despite the personal divides debate can bring. This is a safe space and such should be treated with respect. As debate can seem polarizing in popular media and competitive in tournaments, our words have real world impacts, and these words can start as seeds in our beliefs. And seeds need to be treated with care and i really liked the care put into this. Oh my gosh im so sorry I have gone in a tangent. Sorry! I just really like discussions and i just hope there would be more guided discussion spaces like this and maybe more? And even if this was just one session, i really enjoyed it! I would like to support these spaces and if possible, connect with the person behind this, give them a big thank you, a how are you:)? And i hope you’re okay after reading this long text aha sorry
Learner · 9 mo. ago