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Algebra 1 · Session

Algebra foundations

74 minutes
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Session Details


This is a one-on-one session for Algebra 1 and pre-algebra requested by a learner. We'll be covering: Angle Relationships: --> Utilise the language and conventions of geometry --> Determine angle sizes giving reasons involving transversals and parallel lines --> Use properties of triangles and polygons including angle sum and exterior angle to solve problems --> Identify, classify and use properties of various quadrilaterals, including angle sum, to solve problems --> Identify line symmetry and rotational symmetry -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Linear Relationships: --> Plot and identify points on the Cartesian plane --> Use rules, tables and graphs to represent linear relationships --> Find a linear equation from a table of values --> Solve problems involving the gradient of a line --> Solve problems involving the gradient-intercept form of a line --> Find the x-intercept of a linear equation --> Solve linear equations using graphical methods --> Apply linear graphs to solve problems --> Explore non-linear relationships -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ratios and Rates: --> Simplify ratios and rates --> Divide quantities in a given ratio --> Solve ratio and rate problems including using the unitary method. --> Solve problems involving speed and use distance/ time graphs.

Hosted By

Devika S


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Algebra foundations

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