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Enrichment · Session

Financial Literacy 101: Basics of Macroeconomics!

82 minutes
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Session Details


Have you ever wondered how money works? How important is money in our lives? After all, who are we among these trillions of transactions? If you want to discover the answers to these, this session is for you! We'll start from the basics of economics (understanding how an economy works with AD/AS model; inflation; monetary policy and how it affects the market). Eventually, we will learn about long-term investing in the stock market and other assets. This session will build the foundations of investing (we may not cover all topics of investing in this session - will host more sessions based on participation). The timing is flexible, please let me know if you want me to change the schedule! The session will be very practical with loads of fun!

Tutor Qualifications

I've taken two years of higher-level courses in economics, and have completed AP Macroeconomics. I've experience making investments in the market!

Hosted By

Shakthi P


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