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Dialogue Club (4 sessions)

SAT Score Range

4 sessions


Registration full

This series is full. Spots may open as learners withdraw–try checking back later!


Hello, and welcome to our Dialogue Club!

Our goal is to bring people together to have open and collaborative discussions about modern topics and issues.

By joining a Dialogue Club, you can meet new students from around the world, improve your debate and communication skills, and play a role in fostering a positive learning environment! Additionally, by participating in a Dialogues Club (3+ sessions), you'll have the opportunity to build a Dialogues Portfolio, which can boost your college applications!

Every session we'll open breakout rooms of 2-3 members to discuss the session's topic in a small group. A discussion guide will be provided with some guiding questions and an overview of main stances on the topic. Please be respectful of the other participant's view(s) and find perspectives that challenge your own stance. There will be a post-session survey where you can give feedback on your partners (this is where portfolio feedback comes from, so please be respectful and insightful to help your fellow participants out)! We hope to see you there!

Schedule and helpful links:
Our Club's Hub! (Contains schedule, topics, discussion guides, and zoom links.)

Session 1 (Friday 1/17/25)
Session 2 (Friday 1/31/25)

Session 3 (Friday 2/21/25) (rescheduled from the 14th)

Session 4 (Friday 2/28/25)

Tutored by

Margaret S 🇺🇸

Senior Tutor

Certified in 24 topics

View Profile

I'm a homeschooler who loves math, reading, writing, coding, chess (and Antichess, DM on SHW Slack to challenge!), running Dungeons and Dragons campaigns, and much more! Have a wonderful day/night :)

Ashley J 🇺🇸

Certified in 6 topics

View Profile

Hello! I’m a senior from Maryland. I like to oil paint, read, and write in my free time. Some of my favorite classics include Jane Eyre, The Great Gatsby, and Great Expectations.


-Attend sessions every other week.

-Notify your Club President 24 hours before the session if you can’t make it.

-You may be removed from the club if you miss more than 3 sessions.

Note from Schoolhouse: This series has sessions with required attendance. If you need to miss a required session, submit an absence using the "Submit Excused Absence" button on the series page. Multiple unexcused absences may lead to a suspension of your Schoolhouse account.







Sat 12:00 AM - 1:00 AM UTCFeb 22, 12:00 AM - 1:00 AM UTC

Session 3 (Friday 2/21/25) (rescheduled from the 14th)







Sat 12:00 AM - 1:00 AM UTCMar 1, 12:00 AM - 1:00 AM UTC

Session 4 (Friday 2/28/25)

Public Discussion

Please log in to see discussion on this series.

Jan 18 - Mar 1

7 weeks

60 mins

/ session

Next session on February 22, 2025


