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Algebra 1 Full Course

SAT Score Range


3 sessions



This series ended on September 7, 2024. All 1:1 and group chats related to this series are disabled 7 days after the last session.


Each session, we'll go through a specific topic of each unit in Algebra 1 in Khan Academy. Here is what we are going to learn in each session. Note that their will be more sessions that will be added throughout the series.

Session 2 - Unit 1: Algebra foundations - Evaluating expressions. (Quiz 1 on KA).

Session 3 - Unit 1: Algebra foundations - Combining like terms/Equivalent Expressions. (Quiz 2 on KA).

Session 4 - Test on Unit 1: Algebra foundations

Session 5 - Unit 2: Solving Equations and Inequalities - Equations with variables/parenthesis. (Quiz 1 on KA).

Session 6- Unit 2: Solving Equations and Inequalities - Intercepts from Graphs, Tables, and Equations/Horizontal and Vertical Lines. (Quiz 2 on KA).

Session 7- Unit 2: Solving Equations and Inequalities - Solving Inequalities. (Quiz 3 on KA).

Session 8 - Test on Unit 2: Solving Equations with Inequalities

Tutored by

Wali O 🇺🇸

Certified in 3 topics

View Profile

I'm a Rising Freshman in HS and learning AP Calculus BC, I'm very passionate about math and I love teaching it to others. I'm able to tutor Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2, and soon in AP Precalculus.

Arjun M 🇺🇸

Senior Tutor

Certified in 48 topics

View Profile

Hi there! I am a high-schooler based out of the Bay Area in California and I am excited to learn and grow in this community. My STEM interests range far from joining FTC Robotics to building an app and I'm a passionate tutor in computer science and math, tutoring anywhere from the loops of python to the logarithms of Algebra 2! Outside of Schoolhouse, I love playing basketball, coding, and pursuing various passion projects.

Aayushman D 🇺🇸

Certified in 6 topics

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Hello Everyone, I'm here at the Schoolhouse to learn more about my standard subjects & prepare for PSAT, AP, SAT. I'm aspiring to learn more and achieve more. .     ˚ .★ (taylor’s version) ★ ˚          *.  . ˚ *. •★ .     ˚ .     ˚

Ananya B 🇺🇸

Certified in 14 topics

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Andrew W 🇨🇦

Certified in 19 topics

View Profile

Hey guys! I'm currently a grade 11 student from Western Canada. I'm currently doing the full IB diploma, and I will be doing HLs in Math, Physics, Chem, and English I've learned French for about 9 years, and Spanish for about 4 years. Currently tutoring: Math/Physics French SAT



Please join as many sessions as possible, as we will learn something new session. If you are joining late, or you already know some units of Algebra 1, dm me in SHW so we can figure something out.





Algebra foundations

Algebra foundations

Sun 9:00 PM - 10:30 PM UTCSep 1, 9:00 PM - 10:30 PM UTC

Well go through Quiz 1 on Unit 1 in Algebra 1 on KA (Khan Academy).




Algebra foundations

Algebra foundations

Thu 10:15 PM - 11:45 PM UTCSep 5, 10:15 PM - 11:45 PM UTC

Well go through Quiz 2 on Unit 1 in Algebra 1 on KA.




Algebra foundations

Algebra foundations

Sat 10:15 PM - 11:15 PM UTCSep 7, 10:15 PM - 11:15 PM UTC

We'll be looking at an overview on Unit 1 on Khan Algebra 1.

Public Discussion

Please log in to see discussion on this series.

Sep 1 - Sep 7

1 week

60 - 90 mins

/ session


Sunday, Sep 1


Thursday, Sep 5


Saturday, Sep 7
