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The captivating world of PYTHON programming!

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This series was cancelled on June 24, 2024. We're very sorry–you can explore more Computer Science series here. All 1:1 and group chats related to this series are disabled 7 days after the last session.


This summer, don't miss out on the opportunity to learn python - a highly popular on-demand programming language and master all the fundamentals you need to be successful in it!

Tutored by

Arjun M đŸ‡ºđŸ‡¸

Certified in 47 topics

View Profile

Hi there! I am a high-schooler based out of the Bay Area in California and I am excited to learn and grow in this community. My STEM interests range far from joining FTC Robotics to building an app and I'm a passionate tutor in computer science and math, tutoring anywhere from the loops of python to the logarithms of Algebra 2! Outside of Schoolhouse, I love playing basketball, coding, and pursuing various passion projects.



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