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Debating Theories!

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1 session


This series was cancelled on June 22, 2024. We're very sorry–you can explore more Enrichment series here. All 1:1 and group chats related to this series are disabled 7 days after the last session.


Each week, we'll discuss a theory. This could be a literal theory, or a theory about mathematics or science. This also serves as a public speaking or debate class, as we'll be trying to convince each other of our theories.

Tutored by

Ananya B 🇺🇸

Certified in 14 topics

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Tanmay G 🇺🇸

Certified in 23 topics

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I'm a student who likes to help others with school work. My favorite subject is mathematics as it is a lens for us to see the world. I have a great interest in science, specifically physics. I have a passion for policy debate and I have been debating for the past 4 years and have judged a few tournaments. Some other extracurriculars I am involved in are, robotics team and ping pong club. My robotics team partakes in First Robotics Competitions. I hope to share my knowledge and learn a few skills from this website.

Jayden K 🇺🇸

Certified in 19 topics

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Hi! My name is Jayden, and I'm a high school junior and a college sophomore from Arizona. Here's a bit about me: Career Goal: Cardiologist/Anesthesiologist AP Classes Passed: APHG, World History, Seminar, PreCalc Also an AP Scholar with Honor! Classes (as of August '24): AP Chem, Guitar 1, AP Lang, Spanish 3, AP Stats, APUSH Extracurriculars: Model UN, Odyssey of the Mind, MathLeague, Schoolhouse, FBLA, HOSA, FCCLA Interests: Piano, Entrepreneurship, Politics, Debate Fun Facts about Me: - Proficient in 2 languages (English, Telugu) - Limited proficiency in 4 languages (Spanish, Tamil, Kannada, Latin) - Big competition person (feel free to reach out if you have any prep for any sort of competitions (even better if math!)) - Have been playing piano for 9 years and guitar for ~1 year Hope to meet you soon and please feel free to reach out to me for any help you might need!



Please don't miss more than 2 sessions.







Thu 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM UTCJun 20, 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM UTC

Let's talk about what happens after you die! Ikr, so fun. I feel like I should clarify that I'm being sarcastic.

Public Discussion

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Jun 20

1 week

60 mins

/ session


Thursday, Jun 20
