November 7 2022
Product Changes:
- Rename session “auditing” to “peer review”. Tutors can now acknowledge feedback they get in peer reviews and thank the peer reviewer.
- Improve privacy practice when deleting your account.
- Only show the first few stories on the Stories page unless you want to see more (there were, surprisingly, almost too many to show at one time!)
General Announcements:
- A recent article featuring Schoolhouse in The 74.
- We’ll be hosting a Q&A with Obama’s Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, on Nov 21. He’s also a board member of Schoolhouse. Sign up now
- Missed Schoolhouse’s community meeting on long-term vision and fall goals? Check out the recording here.
- Reminder that Schoolhouse is hiring for some new full-time roles (in engineering and program management). Check out all the listings on our Careers page.
- One of our tutors here interviewed the Former Secretary of Education check it here.
Engagement Data:
- There were 1672 sessions scheduled in the past week.
- There were 569393 learning minutes last week.
- There were 5218 total learners last week.
- These are the tutors who hosted the most sessions in the past week. Congrats!
3. Many way tie for third