Computer Science
Computer Science
Computer Science Series
AP Computer Science A - Unit by Unit Review
11th session
This is an every other week 1.5 hr series going unit by unit through AP CSA. We won't necessarily do it at a rate of one unit per week (some units are simply bigger than others, and CSA has relatively few units), but it'll probably average out to a little under 1 unit per session, capped off with a pair of sessions or so for exam prep/final review. If you are a tutor interested in co-hosting, please feel free to apply!
Isaac S
AP Computer Science A Exam Practice
2nd session
Each week we'll be going over multiple choice and FRQ questions from the AP Computer Science A exam. The first half of the session will be for taking the exam and in the second half we'll go over any problems any of you need assistance with.
Alexander J
AP Computer Science A Q&A + Practice
Each week we'll go over any questions you may have from class assignments or go over practice tests to prepare for the AP exam.
Ayush K