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Algebra 2

Algebra 2





Algebra 2 Help



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Algebra 2 Series


Algebra 2 Intro

7th session

In this series, we will go through an introduction to Algebra 2! We will aim to do one unit every week or two.

Andy D

Registration full.

Algebra 2 Full Course

6th session

Hi! In this series, we will cover all of Algebra 2. We will go over the topics through lessons and lots of practice. The goal will be to cover a unit over one or two sessions. We'll meet every Wednesday from 8-9 pm EST over 12 weeks.

Amulya P

Registration full.

Algebra 2 Khan Academy Walkthrough


In this 12-session series, we will be having a deep of all the topics of Algebra 2 to prepare you for school. Each class, I will cover one topic from Khan Academy. I will teach the topics as we go along the class and then we will go through respective exercises to practice what we learned. Our schedule is not rigid and will adapt based on the learner and their needs. Overall, this is a very interactive course with an adaptive pace. I really look forward to working with all of you!

Rishik P
