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Hailey K


Joined Nov 2022 · 8:45 PM Local

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Learner · 1 mo. ago

While this was an introduction to psychology and you mainly reviewed the syllabus overview rather than a main lesson, the learners would definitely be making smooth progress by aligning with the expectations. :)

Tutor · 1 mo. ago

it was a really good class but just one feedback is that if they can use slides or share screen some information while explaining it might help us better understand.

Learner · 1 mo. ago

Thank you so much for introducing me to this! I would really like to sign up.

Learner · 1 mo. ago

Thanks for the session Zosia, it was fun!

Learner · 2 mo. ago

Since this is a series, I assume you checked learners' progress. Adapting to learner's needs is huge, while I think you did a good job asking questions, I feel the session moved too fast to make sure learners understood the content before ending. Keeping them engaged is awesome keep it up! At the end of the session you explained what the next one would entail but didn't check to make sure they understood your lesson for the day.

Tutor · 2 mo. ago

During the session, you showed an understanding of the subject while explaining the similarities between English and Spanish. When telling your learners they would listen to a video and try to find similarities, this a good technique, but not all of your learners will be able to listen to the video at a normal speed, as their ears are still adjusting to the language and they won't be able to pick out similar words. Your explanations were awesome, keep it up!

Tutor · 2 mo. ago

Thank you!

Learner · 2 mo. ago

Thank you so much Zosia and Lili! I literally had an amazing time and this was so interactive! I can't wait to attend more music theory sessions, and I learnt a bunch too. See you next time! :D It was super fun and good paced.

Learner · 2 mo. ago

You did a great job checking Bethia’s prior knowledge by asking about her experience with Spanish at the start of the session. This allowed you to gauge her familiarity with the language and tailor the session accordingly. You adapted well to her needs by encouraging her to write things down for better retention and offering alternatives like creating a Google Doc or providing a PDF of Spanish-English cognates. Your use of humor and patience when technical or logistical challenges arose helped maintain a comfortable atmosphere, ensuring Bethia stayed engaged despite occasional interruptions. You also confirmed her progress by asking for feedback throughout the session and ensuring she understood each activity before moving on.

Tutor · 2 mo. ago

I look forward to learning more

Learner · 2 mo. ago

Great job actively engaging with the learners by asking them to introduce themselves and explain how they would describe psychology. You responded to the learners by showing agreement and adding on to their knowledge, which was great!

Tutor · 1 mo. ago

You are very knowledgeable and passionate about psychology, which is very pleasing. For the lessons, consider incorporating interactive Google Slides presentation with AP level questions on Psychology from past FRQs and Khan Academy (if possible). Make sure you allow learners to explain their own reasoning and thought processes before you elaborate and explain relevant psychology vocabulary. :)

Tutor · 1 mo. ago

Great and super helpful lesson.

Learner · 1 mo. ago

Thank you so much this has been really chill class I’ve been exhausted since a lot of classes from morning to now so now I bit relieved after meeting once again thank you so much mam

Learner · 1 mo. ago

Thank you for the session! It was pretty fun learning more on sight reading!

Learner · 2 mo. ago

I think the learners made some progress with your session, but I am not sure that they understand the similarities and differences between Spanish and English.

Tutor · 2 mo. ago

Keep up the great work with a safe and comfortable environment, I love that you kept it open for everyone! I think you helped boost learners' confidence within the session, even though they might not understand, they still feel open with your sessions.

Tutor · 2 mo. ago

Thank you for the session it was so interactive and fun!

Learner · 2 mo. ago


Learner · 2 mo. ago

You demonstrated a solid understanding of foundational Spanish concepts and created a supportive and engaging environment for Bethia. Your explanations about borrowed words, language families, and the connections between English, French, Latin, and Spanish were clear and insightful. The activity comparing words across languages was an effective way to introduce foundational linguistic patterns and help Bethia recognize similarities between Spanish and English vocabulary. Additionally, your willingness to adapt the lesson and provide examples like "accidente" and "familia" helped make the content relatable. To further enhance your teaching, consider incorporating more interactive elements, such as short quizzes or games, to keep the session dynamic.

Tutor · 2 mo. ago peer tutoring, for free.


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