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Abdelrahman A


Joined Nov 2023 · He/Him · 7:30 AM Local


🌟 About Me:

I'm a dedicated high school student passionate about helping peers succeed academically. I strive to create an engaging learning environment tailored to each individual's needs. Additionally, I LOVE STEM subjects and enjoy making a positive impact on fellow students' academic journeys.

🏆 Achievements:

Maintaining a strong academic record while actively participating in extracurriculars, I've received recognition as a #1 Class Topper at my high school throughout my high school years. Additionally, I've received recognition as a #1 Grammarian during my Freshman year of high school. I've also qualified as a top 150 Math Olympiad Finalist.

🌟 Approach:

I believe in personalized learning and aim to make challenging subjects understandable through creative and bite-sized simple explanations.


Jan 2024 - Present

Saudi Arabia







Countries Reached


Learners Impacted


Sessions Hosted


Tutoring Minutes


Algebra 2
100% Mastery
Algebra 1
100% Mastery
100% Mastery
SAT® Prep
SAT Reading & Writing


Stacy D
Kwadwo A
Zara-Janelle F
Christ Daniel M
Saed S
Anika M
Abdelrahman S

Upcoming Sessions

Abdelrahman isn't hosting anything soon, but you can follow them to get updates on future sessions.

Featured Feedback


You consistently ask the learners to walk you through the questions. I know that can be frustrating when learners do not engage in the lesson at all times. Next time, you can ask learners "Who wants to walk me through this question?". This will ensure that since they started answering the question, they will most likely finish it! You made comments such as "you are actually very correct on this one" which allows the learner to know they succeeded on most parts of the problem but that they still have room for improvement. When this situation occurred you explained why the learner got it wrong. You said it was because of percent error. Also, you asked them if your response made sense. Great job with that! You went over different problems with the same concepts to ensure that learners understood the concept as a whole and not solely the first question. Keep up the amazing work! This method of tutoring will allow you to understand the learners' needs and plan your next sessions in your series effectively.

Tutor · 7 mo. ago

This session was really hands-on, thank you so much!

Learner · 7 mo. ago

Thank you for making everything understandable!

Learner · 7 mo. ago

Thank you for this session and the fabulous explanation for SAT.

Learner · 7 mo. ago


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