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Kindness C

Joined Aug 2022 · She/Her


Hi! I'm Kindness (aka Enci). As of summer 2024, I'm in the summer between my sophomore year and junior year of university, and I'm majoring in pure math (and just recently dropped out of computer science minor, but I do know some basic computer science). I graduated high school as part of the Class of 2023, and thanks to APs I skipped the freshman year of university.

On Schoolhouse, I especially like to tutor in Enrichment as a study space host and advanced math tutor. I used to be quite active in tutoring the SAT, and I hope to return to doing that soon!

In my free time (which I don't have much, lol), you can find me writing poems, playing the piano or violin, and scrapbooking.


Sep 2022 - Present








Countries Reached


Learners Impacted


Sessions Hosted


Tutoring Minutes


100% Mastery
Algebra 2
100% Mastery
100% Mastery
Algebra 1
100% Mastery
100% Mastery


Gulnaaz N
Hannah W
Max X
Riley W
Wilman C
Cindi L
Thomas L
Thomas S
Sofía D
Liel S

Upcoming Sessions

Casual Study Space

    28th session

Welcome to this study space! Feel free to take a seat and make yourself comfortable. • I'll get some calm music going! Please feel free to suggest music that you like. • We'll use the Pomodoro technique: 25 min studying + 5 min break. • Cameras don't have to be on—you're welcome to do it either way! • Please keep your microphones muted for the 25 min studying periods. We can come off mute for the breaks! You're also welcome to use the chatbox at any time. • Due to my time zone, this series is particularly American (Eastern) time-zone friendly, but you are welcome to join whenever you have time. • I'll not schedule sessions too far ahead in the future to avoid unforseenable schedule conflicts.

Kindness C and Seoyoung A


24-Hour Study Session: Breaking the SHW Record!


This is a series consisting of 8 back-to-back 3-hour sessions to make for a "mega-session" lasting for a total of 24 hours. 🎉 You are not required to join all eight sessions. Come and join us for the greatest, longest, most exciting study session EVER on Schoolhouse! We aim to shatter the record for the longest study session ever hosted by participating in this 24-hour mega study session. Come grind your summer plans, whether it be: - conducting research in the most esoteric depths of mathematical analysis, - cleaning out your bedroom which you have not been able to make yourself clean for the past year, - torturing your fingers to master La Campanella on the violin, - anything in between! You do not have to stay for the entire 24 hours, as long as you are able to come. We welcome as many tutors in as many different timezones as possible to cohost the session! This record-breaking event cannot happen without a joint effort of many, many tutors. In the spirit of most study space series on Schoolhouse, we will also use the well-celebrated Pomodoro technique of 25-minute study times and 5-minute breaks. We can do this! 💪


Kindness C and 21 others


Rigorous Calculus Course

    2nd session

In this series we will cover the proofs behind well known theorems in Calculus. Learners will learn the techniques and strategies involved in proving and deriving mathematical theorems, as well as achieve a deeper understanding of each theorem they prove. Learners will engage by answering questions and doing exercises that will guide them to understand the proofs.

Thomas S and Kindness C


Abstract Algebra Crash Course

    21st session

We'll take a brief look at one of the first courses you will take in university if you would like to become a math major. We will begin with the fundamentals—learning some basic set theory, working with complex numbers, and setting the definitions of rings and fields. Then we'll prove some intuitive things that we know about number theory and modular arithmetic (i.e. working with remainders). From there we will generalize our methods to other areas, such as doing "number theory" and "modular arithmetic" with polynomials and much more! No calculus knowledge is necessary for this series; however, high-school Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 are necessary. BTW do you know that this series would be called "Algebra 1" in university?? 😂😜 (Note: This series has been recently restarted, so if you're looking to join us, you are still in a good position to do so!)

Kindness C


Featured Feedback


thank you kindness for this amazing study space! the music was awesome and i love that you always take music recommendations. i got a lot of work done today and i highly recommend these sessions. see you on monday :D

Learner · 6 days ago

The section today was really fun for me! From the first greeting which I did not really expect, to the fact you were very interactive with all of us made me enjoy this section even more. Not to mention your advices did seem to be what I actually need for my up-coming exams! Thank you so much!

Learner · 8 days ago

Thanks Kindness for being such a superb host! And for creating this welcoming and inviting space for us to get stuff done and have some fun in between

Learner · 8 days ago

Thank you for this session! I always enjoy playing fun games during the breaks. It is a very nice, peaceful, and productive environment :D

Learner · 8 days ago


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