she gave good explanations despite the topic being hard to explain
Learner · 5 mo. ago
Thank you for this session it made me figure out my weakness in math
she made me realize some of the mistakes I made on my practice test and taught me ways to fix and become better at them
Learner · 6 mo. ago
you were super sweet and comforting!! helped me feel a little less stressed about tutoring this bootcamp!
Thank you for helping, class with you is great! :)
Learner · 9 mo. ago
Thank you for this session! You are a fun tutor and I can't wait to learn more! :)
Learner · 10 mo. ago
Thank you for this session! It was super helpful and I already feel improvement in myself! Thank you!!
thank you
thank you for this session you made me understand the material I did not undesrtand
Thank you for helping introduce me to Schoolboard's tutoring system!
Thank you for the session! You were a fun and interactive tutor. You gave thorough explanations and good practice questions!
Thank you for the session. It was so fun and very helpful.
Thanks for the session, I liked how you called on everyone and explained each question.
Learner · 1 yr. ago peer tutoring, for free.