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Tâm P

Joined Jul 2023 · She/Her · 5:59 PM Local

Upcoming Sessions

Tâm isn't hosting anything soon, but you can follow them to get updates on future sessions.

Past Sessions

4 Series

Dec 2 Digital SAT Intensive Prep | 99th-Percentile Scorer.

    Ended Wed, Nov 29, 2023

My most well-received and requested series is BACK! This course will cater to those studying for the Digital SAT December 2nd test date, covering both R&W and Math. - You will be reinforced with advanced topics and we'll do targeted, intensive practice question sets for your weaknesses. - You'll learn through experience, not just theory (though that is definitely covered as well). - I will always do my best to help you, on sessions or through Schoolhouse Direct Messages, with personalized advice and resources. - There will be realistic test room advice from my own experiences. More sessions to be added as we go. See you there. 👋

Tâm P

Series ended.

score range · 400 - 490

Reading and Writing for the November 2023 SAT

    Saturdays 2:15 AM, Sundays 2:15 AM

Hi, my name's Tam, or Tammy, which I think is a bit more fun to say, and I'm excited to help you with your SAT R&W. I know this is a tricky subject for many and I've had my fair share of tricky problems in English, but when I actually took the SAT, I actually had figured out a good amount of techniques to understand the material and perform better. I'm a no-frills and direct type of person so you'll be sure to get genuinely helpful advice, effective communication from me and I'll always be supportive of your studies. Hope to see you soon!

Tâm P

Series ended. peer tutoring, for free.


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