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Suneet R


Joined Mar 2024 · He/Him · 8:11 PM Local

Featured Feedback


You did a great job simplifying logarithms for your learners by explaining the concept in a simplistic manner. When you explained the natural logarithm (e), you used a great analogy and made the concept understandable by comparing it to pi. Your practice problems were insightful and addressed the concept in a meaningful way. You were able to effectively elaborate and present helpful tips/ explanations. When your learners had questions, you answered them in-depth and clearly helped them understand things.

Tutor · 3 mo. ago

Thank you for being patient, I'm being real. I'm not the smartest when it comes to math and learning more in depth of the questions, I feel smarter everyday when you teach me so thank you !!

Learner · 3 mo. ago

I know that I'm getting better at math. I truly appreciate all the efforts he gives by trying to explain each and every questions, and it is safe to say that my understanding and love for math has increased because of him. I like his style of teaching and I wish the best of luck to Suneet in the future !!

Learner · 4 mo. ago

This was one of the most interesting sessions I've ever attended. It was so exciting, I learned to solve questions in the easiest way and the concept behind that method was eye-opening and really just so exciting. I loved every second of this session. Thank You!

Learner · 4 mo. ago

Suneet made learning so fun; he showed us multiple ways to solve each question, and everything made so much sense after. His excitement and straightforward explanations helped me understand concepts that were so puzzling before. I walked away from each session feeling more sure of the concepts. Thank you! Really!

Learner · 4 mo. ago

Thank you for the awe-inspiring session. I am completely impressed with the way Suneeth taught. It is an equal match to the Khan Academy or maybe better because this is live!!!! I would say he is one of the best in Schoolhouse tutors for both Maths and R&W as far as I know.

Learner · 4 mo. ago

I absolutely loved how he explained each question and the reasoning behind each incorrect answer. I was able to figure out exactly where I went wrong. Thank you so much, I learned a lot from you!!!!!

Learner · 4 mo. ago

Thank you, Suneet! It was the best two hours of my life. Where in two hours I have learned more about logarithms than in two years at my school. I wish you all the best. Stay healthy, we need more educators like you.

Learner · 5 mo. ago

I just did my Nov SAT (and my first actually), and wow, I think I did well. I'm confident with most of my answers and of course I wouldn't be here without you so thank you for helping me! Wish you the best of luck in your future, will never forget this

Learner · 3 mo. ago

Thank you for the extra session! I needed it. Your way of explaining things is so easy to understand and your sessions are always interactive. You're definitely one of the best tutor on this platform !

Learner · 4 mo. ago

Truly sensational with the clear explanations and the amount of time taken to address each and every one of our questions. The extensive material and practice that you provided prepared me like no other, and I am grateful to have experienced something this valuable.

Learner · 4 mo. ago

Thank you for the session! I love the selection of materials, explanations, and how interactive it was

Learner · 4 mo. ago

Really loved how you explained the proportionality concepts. It was very thorough. Also, I love the fact that you are always open to ideas given by the students.

Learner · 4 mo. ago

Thank you so much for the session. Great style of teaching. I really needed the uplifting talk you gave yesterday and the great explanations in today's sessions also helped a lot.

Learner · 4 mo. ago

The session was extremely well-organized and informative. I can't wait for our next sessions together!

Learner · 4 mo. ago peer tutoring, for free.


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