Excellent job beginning with a test of the learner's understanding of the subject - so many tutors forget this step, and it's great to see you doing it. Beginning with a quick quiz like this is a great way to learn your learners' strengths and weaknesses, as is simply asking them what areas of algebra they struggle with the most, like you did. In future sessions, I would try to get your learners to engage a little more verbally, and not just through the chat - this can help to facilitate more active discussions and greater learning. To do this, I would recommend selecting learners (either just randomly picking one, or asking for a volunteer) to explain their reasoning for each practice problem. Because it is a lot harder to explain one's reasoning via a direct message, this will usually get them to start engaging in a verbal discussion, and can really have a positive effect on the session. Also, good idea with the poll at the end - getting learner feedback (preferably anonymous) is always a good way to improve your tutoring.
Tutor · 6 mo. ago