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Shiquihno T

Joined Feb 2023 · He/Him · 1:19 AM Local

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One of the most important aspects of a session is active learning. Shiquihno made sure Ibrahim was understanding the material, he adapted to the learner's needs by answering all his questions/concerns, Shiquihno was continuosly engaging with Ibrahim and showing that he was present at all times by having his camera on, and confirmed the learner's progress at all times. To be honest, as a tutor myself, I love going over khan academy exercises or practice problems. I liked how you went over the khan academy opre-algebra curriculum. Overall, great job covering the "active learning" aspect.

Tutor · 1 mo. ago

Yes, there are tons of evidence. Shiquihno's thorough explanations of the overview of pre-algebra and examples were clear and understanding. It looked like Ibrahim gained a new sense of confidence and a lot more knowledge than before the session. Although this session was quite short, Shiquihno did a good job covering a lot in that time frame and was very helpful. Overall, great job with that!!

Tutor · 1 mo. ago

The learner appeared very comfortable with the tutor and the tutor also created a comfortable learning environment by reassuring the learner. For example, the tutor says "that will be a factor, so you would be correct! but in the case of a multiple...." I find that this makes the student more comfortable in making mistakes. The tutor also said to mention other questions to him if needed on Schoolhouse.

Tutor · 1 mo. ago

In my opinion, a respectful community and environment in a session is the most important aspect. You kept a positive, respectful, and open environment. You made the learner feel comfortable at all times to ask questions, and the vibes were positive. You were in a good mood to teach and looked happy to be there, which is always a good sign. I know lots of people who just tutor for the application, but you look happy and that you enjoy it. This really draws interest to the learners and makes the environment a lot more positive and exciting. There is always space to improve, so my only suggestion is maybe give your learners' like Ibrahim some resources covering the specific content of that session so they can review and practice some problems on their own. Overall, incredible job and good luck to your future sessions!! :)

Tutor · 1 mo. ago

The tutor has strong knowledge of factors and multiples. He demonstrates lots of examples, like the factorization of 16 and other numbers. He elaborates well and explains using different definitions, like for factorization and mentioning how it means to continuously divide a number to its core numbers.

Tutor · 1 mo. ago peer tutoring, for free.


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