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Sadhana G


Joined Feb 2024 · She/Her · 12:19 PM Local

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I really appreciated the time and effort Sadhana put into creating a highly informative slideshow. She also took the time to answer all my questions thoroughly. She is an excellent tutor!

Learner · 8 days ago

I will go through each rubric one at a time: "I do Strategy" I love the way that you use the I do strategy. For example, explaining the percent formulas and mean, median, mode, etc. You explained it images and some practice questions. I would recommend asking more frequently if the learners are following along. "We do" strategy I love the way you used this strategy. Especially for the second percent problem, where you let Yasvi lead the problem! She explained the steps and processes that she did to solve very clearly. Builds on "We do" strategy I love the way that after you let Yasvi solve the problem, you built upon that. When the learners didn't understand some parts, you explained them clearer and you really build on all mistakes made! Nice job in all parts of the rubric!

Tutor · 2 mo. ago

Sadhana was clearly well versed in the material for the SAT math session she was hosting! Right off the bat, we can see that Sadhana was well-prepared and had put together some lesson plans ahead of time based on her slides presentation. She had diagrams which she actively used to teach concepts and formulae, for instance the percentage decrease formula. She then followed up with example problems to put these concepts into practice and demonstrate applications, like with the problem about the price of the stock. The visuals were well thought out, and Sadhana volunteered to provide additional practice problems to the learners after the session, demonstrating her commitment to her tutees. Her second lesson on mean, median, mode, and range was well laid out in a flowchart. The color coding of yellow, green, blue, and red, respectively, helped create a visual connection for the learners. Her drawings of examples that may appear in the SAT –such as a box plot – were effective applications. While there were a couple of questions from learners that Sadhana could not answer completely, for instance about the shortcuts on the stock question, she effectively answered with the knowledge she had, and offered to look more into this for the learner.

Tutor · 2 mo. ago

she's super nice, friendly and willing to support you !

Learner · 2 mo. ago

The fact that Nunya blatantly stated her mistake regarding the cylinder's volume question to everyone in the session proves that you formed a comfortable learning environment. Your character truly brings out the best of individuals.

Tutor · 2 mo. ago

Thank you! I’m working on my alien project now and I think it’s going pretty well.

Learner · 3 mo. ago

Thank you so much Sadhana

Learner · 3 mo. ago

The tutor was so kind! I loved the session!

Learner · 4 mo. ago

Thank you for your session! You always make me feel comfortable and I tend to yap a lot in your class which is a good sign for me :D. You are a great teacher; your classes are always interactive and engaging. I can't wait to co-host with you, and I hope you have a great night!

Learner · 5 mo. ago

It was fun

Learner · 5 mo. ago

Thanks! I enjoyed this and the discussions! Can't wait to see you in two weeks!

Learner · 6 mo. ago

Thank you for the session, thank you.

Learner · 6 mo. ago

You were a really great tutor! I really enjoyed playing Spyfall with you!

Learner · 6 mo. ago

That was awesome, I loved how planned out and informational it was, and it was fun too, see you next time!

Learner · 1 mo. ago

Sadhana provided plentiful opportunities for learners to engage. With her practice problems offering chances for students to check their understanding and provide solutions, she gave structured time for this. However, many students were not participant. So, rather than jumping in with a solution, perhaps smaller questions that may be more digestible would be less daunting. It would also help Sadhana get a greater grasp of her learners' understanding so she knows whether or not to move on. When learners did volunteer to answer, she affirmed when learners were on the right track and was ready to answer their questions, which was effective.

Tutor · 2 mo. ago

The tutor was extremely nice and took time to translate for a non-English speaker.

Learner · 2 mo. ago

I liked that you stated your high math scores on the SAT and PSAT since it encouraged the learners to pay close attention to your advice; moreover, your ice-breaker question prompted individuals to speak up with their mics, which builds a learning environment where mistakes are okay. Also, I'm glad you asked your learners how they approached the question to identify and politely communicate their possible errors.

Tutor · 2 mo. ago

I always love your sessions. I highly recommend this tutor!

Learner · 2 mo. ago

very intersting the class and funny

Learner · 3 mo. ago

It was really fun, thank you Sadhana

Learner · 4 mo. ago

I LOVE your sessions! Thanks for being a great tutor! And orcas are still creepy

Learner · 5 mo. ago

lol how did the class turn from astronomy to converting to orca then to random stuff, I swear u guys r so good at chitchatting lmao

Learner · 5 mo. ago

I loved this session

Learner · 6 mo. ago

She was nice and had much info in her brain.

Learner · 6 mo. ago

Thank you for the session, I love how we didn't start learning on the first session and we did something fun, my derlock instincts still say ur sus.......

Learner · 6 mo. ago peer tutoring, for free.


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