First off, this session looked great! Thank you so much for tutoring at Schoolhouse!
You clearly demonstrated your master of the material when teaching. I also liked how you constantly acknowledged that there were multiple ways to achieve the answer, and helped the learner find the most efficient route.
Additionally, whenever the learner made a mistake, I liked how you showed the learner WHY their approach didn't work, instead of just telling them that it wouldn't. For example, when the learner was asking if the Pythagorean Theorem would work for a triangle with one side and one angle given, you introduced another example and showed why two sides were necessary in order to use the theorem. So fantastic job here!
Overall, you quickly and efficiently helped the learner with their question. Even though the session was only fifteen minutes long, you were still able to help with quite a lot in that time!
Tutor · 11 mo. ago