Full SAT Preparation Course
This course is designed for students aiming to enhance their SAT performance and achieve higher scores. The program covers both Math and Reading sections, with weekly meetings dedicated to each 🤓. Lydia B. will be tutoring Reading & Writing sessions and Marichka Y. will be tutoring Math sessions.
Sessions begin with foundational concepts and gradually advance to more complex SAT topics. Each lesson introduces a new concept, followed by practice and occasional short tests, with reviews to reinforce learning 🧮.
Larger practice tests will be scheduled between major topics to assess progress. Additional sessions may be added during these weeks to facilitate test writing and review 📝.
The course is best suited for students scoring 600+ per section on previous or practice SAT tests, as the material includes challenging problems requiring a strong foundation. Students with lower initial scores may find the content difficult.
Running from February through early summer, this program is ideal for students planning to take the SAT during or after summer 2025. The first three months focus on the curriculum, while the final month emphasizes intensive practice 💪.
! Note !: more sessions will be added as tutors are still working on establishing the curriculum. The series is expected to conclude in May.