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Jackie Y


Joined Oct 2023 · She/Her · 8:52 AM Local


Hi! I'm Jackie and I'm a high school senior from New York. I'm super excited to help prepare you for the dSAT and work on any other topics with you!


Feb 2024 - Present

United States of America







Countries Reached


Learners Impacted


Sessions Hosted


Tutoring Minutes


100% Mastery
Algebra 1
100% Mastery
100% Mastery
Algebra 2
1 / 12 Topics
SAT® Prep


luken l
Akshat S
Joshitha V
Sydney J
Arrenia B
Prakruti S
Haneyya S
Sophia L

Upcoming Sessions

Jackie isn't hosting anything soon, but you can follow them to get updates on future sessions.

Featured Feedback


Thank you for the onboarding session :) It helped a lot to hear your tips and see how an experienced tutor approaches different parts of teaching, both in example scenarios and in the call itself. I feel like I know a lot more now about what to expect and do during a session.

Learner · 16 days ago

Great job asking your student about what they previously knew before proceeding on. This helped your learner a lot by allowing her to clear any previous doubts. You did a great job asking follow up questions as you explained these concepts. As you explained slope, for example, you continuously engaged your learner by asking thoughtful questions. Your step-by-step walk-through approach ensured your learner understood each step of the problem and wasn't just watching you the entire time. I would suggest ending the session with a brief recap of everything you covered and asking the learner about any lingering questions.

Tutor · 3 mo. ago

Great job incorporating a wide variety of teaching techniques (e.g. the drawing you made for explaining rise over run). All your explanations were very intuitive and demonstrated that you knew the material sufficiently. As your student asked questions, you were able to answer and explain them with excellent clarity. For example, when explaining the general derivation of the slope formula, you created an excellent visual and elaborated on it with great detail. You were able to take her questions and turn them into great, insightful answers.

Tutor · 3 mo. ago

Throughout this session, you were very patient and open to any questions your learner had. Despite some of her struggles, you maintained a positive attitude and taught with excellent clarity. You ended the session on a very optimistic note by calling your learner smart and wishing her good luck on the rest of her homework. At the end of this session, she seemed to have a general grasp on slope-intercept, graphing linear equations, and understanding how slope works.

Tutor · 3 mo. ago


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