Great job on strengthening learner confidence! The questions at the end of the session seemed to have helped the learner gain more confidence in their own skills and their ability to answer challenging questions. They gained new knowledge in this session, and were able to apply it confidently, as it can be seen by their confidence increasing with each question. You guided the learner well, providing good hints but not giving away the answer completely.
Good job on making small talk at the beginning of the conversation. This put the learner at ease and helped make it a more relaxed environment for the learner. I think that it might be a good idea to ask the learner how to pronounce their name and refer to them more often by their name to build a more comfortable learning environment. However, it appears that you have helped this learner in the past, so you might know each other in which case this would not be necessary.
Tutor · 9 mo. ago