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Marina B


Joined Apr 2024 · She/Her · 6:20 PM Local

Featured Feedback


You did a fantastic job with the clear and detailed slideshows. Your explanations were straightforward and easy to follow. I really appreciated how you used the 'Bob the Builder' example at the beginning, and the use of Ronaldo as another example was really engaging! Examples like these really help to grab learners' interest. The visual aids you incorporated were effective and made the session very interactive. Your guidance through challenging concepts was exceptional. Great work!

Tutor · 6 mo. ago

Towards the beginning of your session, you did a great job establishing what enzymes were with the analogy you presented. In addition, you were able to elaborate on the definitions and examples you provided to make them understandable to your learners. Your presentation was very visually appealing and full of helpful labels, explanations, etc. You explained everything with such clarity that even I benefited from listening to your lecture. A key thing I noticed was that you didn't just read the definitions; you were able to expand off them, provide examples, and make everything interesting as well. Overall, great job... you were clearly proficient in everything you taught.

Tutor · 6 mo. ago

It was great!

Learner · 6 mo. ago

Thanks for the session. It’s definitely taught well and as someone who has a short attention span, reviewing and constantly summarizing what we learn really helps.

Learner · 7 mo. ago

I like how you answered all my questions and have been more helpful than all my councelors combined, no offense to them XD

Learner · 7 mo. ago

It was a very nice session that explained the concepts well! I was able to understand as if I was learning from a teacher who actually majored in biology. Thank you so much!

Learner · 7 mo. ago

The tutor demonstrates an astonishing amount of knowledge about the topic. She uses slides, but she doesn't read directly off them (a huge problem I have as a tutor). She defines terms in a way that makes the content really digestible. Also, the examples/analogies she uses make the material so, so much easier to understand (i.e., comparing adhesive bonds to adhesive tape, explaining the phenomenon of thermal conductivity by describing what happens to your body in a pool, etc.) Also knows a lot about the IB exams. I can imagine this was a super helpful lesson for the student.

Tutor · 7 mo. ago

There is evidence that the learner who joined, Daul, made considerable progress. In her own words: "Thank you so much for today's session! It really helped me a lot." Clearly, learners derive a great deal of benefit from this tutor's sessions :)

Tutor · 7 mo. ago

You did a fantastic job creating a comfortable learning environment. You used a polite tone throughout the session fostering a sense of community with learners. You were very kind and patient and you continuously treated your learners as if they were your peers! Keep up the great work in fostering such a positive environment--it makes a big difference in how learners engage and enjoy the sessions. Amazing job!

Tutor · 6 mo. ago

The fact that you went over each student's answer choices shows that you were able to effectively strengthen their confidence. While some of them may have been anxious about their results, you went over the questions, which I am sure benefited them a lot. Your colorful graphics, friendly mannerisms, and helpful analogies were all aspects that contributed to an amazing learning enviornment. Great job!

Tutor · 6 mo. ago

super fun

Learner · 7 mo. ago

Great explanations, friendly and charismatic. Overall great! You can see she's put lots of effort onto her topics!

Learner · 7 mo. ago

I loved the presentation style and pictures

Learner · 7 mo. ago

Thank you for this session! You very great and you explanations make so much sense!

Learner · 7 mo. ago

The tutor creates a comfortable environment by thoroughly introducing herself and telling the learner(s) that it is acceptable to type in the chat rather than using their microphones. She also explains her background with the topic in a way that establishes her credibility but also creates a degree of relatability between her and the learner (i.e., the tutor admits that she doesn't know absolutely everything tested on IB exams). I would also like to add that I don't mean "N/A" as in "the tutor didn't engage the learner"; I mean "N/A" as in "it was never necessary for the tutor to try to strengthen the learner's confidence."

Tutor · 7 mo. ago

Thank you so much for the amazing session! I really learned a lot today!

Learner · 7 mo. ago peer tutoring, for free.


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