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Aneesh M

Joined Apr 2024 · He/Him

Upcoming Sessions

4 Series

☀️Summer Book Club☀️

    2nd session
📚 Welcome to our Summer Book Club! Jump into a world of books from the comfort of your own home! Join us for fun talks, interesting ideas, and exciting stories. Whether you love reading or want to find new books, our online class is a place where book lovers come together to enjoy reading. 😊 We'll explore classic tales, popular books, and hidden gems as we go on a reading adventure together. Get ready to learn and have fun this summer! 🌞

Aneesh M


Pomodoro Study Sessions

    77th session
💙Hey guys! I will be using the pomodoro method in hopes of reducing procrastination while doing work. I will mostly (not sure yet) host sessions after 4PM EST in week days because that is when I start studying individually. 💙⭐

  • I sometimes host sessions on weekends after 1PM EST when I am available.

I'll make the series as long as possible!
I make the sessions longer because i get too attached to what I am doing at a given time👀 ...

My goal for this series is to help others and myself work productively and to reduce procrastination with the Pomodoro timer 💙!

This series is meant to help with motivation and procrastination, NOT homework. 📄🫂📄

This is NOT meant to be a homework help tutoring session where we help each other with work. This is simply meant to be a helpful and motivating studying environment/group where everyone focuses on their own individual work. We try to be interactive but not too interactive because we don't want to be disruptive in your individual work. If you have a question though or want some suggestions with your work we can try to help. :)

We are not always qualified to help you with your homework as we don't have certifications in every subject. 🪙📖🪙

If you want individual help with work, I recommend going to the Subworld based on the subject you are working on and seeing if they have an open homework help session as they would be most qualified to help you. 📝🕵️📝

Note: This is not meant to be an interactive open tutoring for help on completing assignments (though we will try to help if you need it), therefore it is not going to seem that interactive. The whole point is to work in a motivating environment with other learners to help complete assignments. It will not seem to be that interactive as we don't want to ask a bunch of questions which can potentially bother our learners. Although you will be working and doing other things mostly on your own, this is meant to be a helpful and motivating environment for doing such. This is somewhat similar to setting up a timer at home but with this one can not only get extra minutes but also you can be in a more helpful, encouraging, and motivating environment with other learners that will most likely be a lot more effective with getting your work done. This can be very helpful with procrastination and setting times to get your work done with us. Not everyone is able to have or join a study group and this is especially great for them. :)
  • Hannah became a Co-host on 03/21/2024.
  • Noah became a Co-host on 03/26/2024.
  • Aayan became a Co-host on 05/01/2024.
  • Aneesh became a Co-host on 05/02/2024.
  • Shibu became a Co-host on 05/08/2024.
  • Abby became a Co-host on 05/09/2024.
  • Pol became a Co-host on 05/12/2024.
  • Alina became a Co-host on 05/18/2024.
  • Rathna became a Co-host on 05/21/2024.
  • Kavyash became a Co-host on 05/25/2024.
  • Harry became a Co-host on 05/31/2024.

Ruth B and 11 others


📝Writing Contest!!

    2nd session
This is going to be a super fun creative writing contest! We now have all of our rules and prompt finalized! Keep reading for all of the details.

No ChatGPT or other ai text generators.
No Grammarly AI.
No offensive language.
Keep writing relevant to the prompt.
Have fun, no stress! :)

Judging Criteria:
Must be Relevant
The story should stay within the parameters of the prompt. You can stray slightly since these are vague prompts, but if you don’t have any aspect of the prompt in your story, you will be disqualified.
Must be grammatically correct
The spelling and grammar of your story should be at least 90% accurate. I understand that English grammar rules are weird, so we won’t be too strict on things like the oxford comma or anything like that. If more than half of your story has misspellings and obvious grammatical errors, you will be disqualified.
Must be original
Your story should be something that you can come up with on your own and are proud of! If we have a strong indication that this isn't your original work (e.g. using AI, copying out of a book) you will be disqualified.
Must be engaging
You will have three months to write your story, use it all! Your story should make us want to keep reading, perhaps even want a longer story! You have the time to add as much imagery and dialogue as you want! You won't be disqualified for a “boring” story, but your chances of winning will definitely go down.
Must be consistent
Your story should keep the same tone, POV,(first person, second, third limited, and third omniscient) and tense.(past, present, future) This falls in its own category because you can have two grammatically correct sentences, but have them in two different tenses. If you can’t keep 95% consistency, your chances of winning will go down significantly.

Page Limit:
There is a Maximum of 10 pages allowed. It’s alright if you have like 10.2 pages, we just don’t have the time to read a novella in time for the winners to be announced. You can also make it as short as you want too.

And finally, the prompt:
The main protagonist is teleported into a different time. (past) Describe the different types of people and things they encounter.

We're all super excited to see what amazing stories you come up with! Happy Writing! 😁


Brooke M and 6 others

2 spots left!

Past Sessions

6 Sessions

Enrichment · session

Help for aisosa


Aneesh M

Session ended.

Enrichment · session

Live Help

This is a Live Help session to help answer a question in History

Aneesh M

Session ended.

History · session

Help for Leona T

staar review

Aneesh M

Session ended.

History · session

Live Help for Leona T

Live help for Leona T. US history STAAR

Aneesh M

Session ended.

Enrichment · session

Live Help

This is a Live Help session to help answer a question in History

Aneesh M

Session ended.

Enrichment · session

Live Help

This is a Live Help session to help answer a question in History

Aneesh M

Session ended. peer tutoring, for free.


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