The practical tips and strategies offered, including techniques for skimming and scanning,reading the tittle, time management, and specific approaches to different question types, were extremely valuable. I particularly appreciate the section where you explained how to use context clues to deduce the meaning of unfamiliar words. It is indeed true that not all words in a reading passage can be understood directly. Therefore, being able to infer the meaning of a word from its context is a highly effective approach. Your practical explanation of this strategy was particularly useful and well-delivered,and the learners were able to give correct answers. And by starting with a clear and structured explanation of the reading passage 3, learners felt more comfortable and confident in expressing their own thoughts and interpretations. This method not only clarified the content but also encouraged students to engage more actively with the material. As a result, they were better able to articulate their understanding and provide more insightful responses during discussions and exercises.
Tutor · 6 mo. ago