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Emily W


Joined Jan 2024 · She/Her · 8:40 PM Local

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Hi! Nice work using Active Learning in this session. On the 'Moving from Explaining to Engaging' slide, after playing the video, you opened up for discussion from tutors relating to the benefits of active learning. I may suggest checking for additional pre-requisite knowledge with tutoring on Schoolhouse or in general, just in preparation for going through the first few scenarios. I would like to highlight how you continuously engaged learners with the Tutoring Simulation question, creating for a positive space. Just after this, I may potentially recommend checking in with everyone to see if there are any general questions relating to tutoring or the simulation. Great job and thanks for hosting this session!

Tutor · 6 mo. ago

Hi, Emily! Good job being prepared for this session, and having an understanding of the session material. You were prepared to dive into the scenarios, and gave advice and tips with Scenario 1 on how to encourage engagement in sessions. I may use these scenarios as an opportunity of a bit of additional discussion or polls, potentially through the popcorn method or another strategy if time permits. You also did a nice job presenting the 'Good Teaching is Good Presenting' slide, discussing the three components on the slide and talking about them with tutors. Here, I may recommend using the annotation tools or other visual elements, just to supplement the emphasis of the icons and words on the slide. Overall, you did great providing explanations and examples for session content!

Tutor · 6 mo. ago

Thank you for this session!

Learner · 7 mo. ago

Thank you so much! I'm feeling much more confident about tutoring my first bootcamp after our onboarding session.

Learner · 7 mo. ago

Very nice and helpful!

Learner · 1 yr. ago

Evidence that the tutors made progress in the Onboarding Session was evidenced at the end of the session, when you answered last questions and tutors felt confident leaving. This session was a fundamental part of tutors' SAT Bootcamp and Onboarding Journey!

Tutor · 6 mo. ago

Hi, Emily! Nice job fostering a respective community in this Onboarding Session. From the start of the session, you asked the tutors to share their thoughts on the Waiting/ Welcome Question relating to their favorite type of weather/class and teacher in school, which was great. Just to transition into the next activities involving the topics, I may recommend spending a bit more time of reflection on the Debate Time Activities. You did a great job engaging the with the question relating to the percentage of learners engaged in previous Bootcamp Series, by fostering an around-the-room discussion. I may suggest spending a bit more time on how to find the FAQ links on Schoolhouse towards the end of the session if time permits to ensure maximum comfortability during the series, but you did a fantastic job. Thanks for hosting this session!

Tutor · 6 mo. ago

Thank you so much even the first session helped me calm down and gain tremendous confidence

Learner · 7 mo. ago

Thank you for this session, it was really helpful for me!

Learner · 1 yr. ago peer tutoring, for free.


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