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Neul H


Joined Oct 2024 · He/Him · 5:45 AM Local

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I just wanted to take a moment to sincerely thank you for tutoring me this past week. I truly appreciate the time and effort you put into your lessons. To be completely honest, you’re the only tutor I’ve had who takes their work so seriously, and it makes such a difference. Your dedication means a lot to me, and I’m incredibly grateful for your guidance. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Learner · 3 days ago

You clearly asked what areas Jonathan wanted to work on before moving forward, and later on checked in on him to see if he saw any unfamiliar words, modifying your advice to him depending on his needs. Furthermore, you also actively engaged the learner, asking questions such as "Can you provide an explanation of this passage". Moreover, you employed active learning strategies as you guided Jonathan while letting him take the problem-solving lead, without giving the answer, through the advanced maths problem.

Tutor · 5 days ago

Thank you for this session! I've never heard of the simplification and prediction strategies but I was able to catch onto them pretty quickly in the session, and I think they'll be really helpful for me to apply in future English practice

Learner · 5 days ago

I thought you did an excellent job using both "I do" and "we do" strategies to engage with learners. I like how during the logging question, you asked Sarah to share her information diagram after initially getting the question wrong. I think just drawing out what they're thinking or verbalizing their reasoning is all learners need sometimes to figure out on their own what their mistake was. One thing I'd recommend is to ask learners about their prior knowledge before starting to go over content. I always find that it helps me tailor my tutoring to them better. I'd also recommend falling back on an "I do" strategy if leaners are really struggling while trying to do a problem themselves. For example, the learners had a hard time with the logging question. You could have skipped to the next similar question, given a demonstration, then went back to the logging problem. Overall, I thought this was a very interactive and engaging session. Great job!

Tutor · 8 days ago

It was an amazing session thank you so much for ur efforts :)

Learner · 8 days ago

Great job Neaul! You are clearly familiar with the material as you shared some insightful strategies for approaching words in context problems. Moreover, you reinforced the memory of this strategy by guiding your learner through a problem using the strategy.

Tutor · 5 days ago

Overall you did great at creating a friendly environment that welcomes mistakes as you assured Jonathan that he was on the right track when he was unsure. One thing that could be improved upon is instead of saying "exactly" all the time, vary up the encouragement and try to compliment him directly by name such as: "Yes, that's great Jonathan!" This way the encouragement feels slightly more direct and genuine.

Tutor · 5 days ago

This was a fantastic session. I love how you explained not only how to deal with difficult words in context and inference questions, but how to do so consistently when taking a real test. I thought the practice problems you used were at exactly the right difficulty for the learners: challenging but doable. Your test-takings strategies were excellent; I thought simplifying longer problems into shorthand or an information diagram was a particularly helpful tip when dealing with long and complex passages. For the invertebrates question, you wrote a shorthand summary on the side of the slide. I thought that was a helpful way to both help the learners understand the passage and also show them what a good information diagram looks like. My only recommendation is to consider doing that on more questions.

Tutor · 8 days ago

I thought you did a great job creating a comfortable learning environment. You were friendly, approachable, and encouraging throughout the session, When the learner got the first question wrong, I thought you did a great job keeping them encouraged by pointing out that their information diagram was correct. I also like how you confirmed the pronunciation the learner who joined late's name. No recommendations here.

Tutor · 8 days ago peer tutoring, for free.


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