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Ashley B


Joined Mar 2023 · She/Her · 12:08 AM Local

Upcoming Sessions

Ashley isn't hosting anything soon, but you can follow them to get updates on future sessions.

Past Sessions

11 Sessions

Biology · session

Introduction to Evolution & Natural Selection

This unit is all about evolution—one of the most important concepts in biology. Dive in to learn about genetics, fossils, and anatomical evidence for evolution, and explore how natural selection shapes populations and group behaviors.

This session is a great session, if you are new or need a refresher on this topic. Feel free to bring a notebook and jot down any notes you have taken! Please let me know in advance if you can't attend. See you then!

Ashley B

Session ended.

Biology · session

Introduction to Evolution & Natural Selection

This unit is all about evolution—one of the most important concepts in biology. Dive in to learn about genetics, fossils, and anatomical evidence for evolution, and explore how natural selection shapes populations and group behaviors.

This session is a great session, if you are new or need a refresher on this topic. Feel free to bring a notebook and jot down any notes you have taken! Please let me know in advance if you can't attend. See you then!

Ashley B

Session ended.

Biology · session

🧬Understanding Hardy-Weinberg Principle (Makeup)

This session is for Alison but is open to any learners! Come join and learn about the basics of Hardy-Weinberg Principle! 🧬

Ashley B

Session ended.

Biology · session

🧬Understanding Hardy-Weinberg Principle + other topics

This session is for Alison but is open to any learners! Come join and learn about the basics of Hardy-Weinberg Principle! 🧬

While Hard-Weinberg is a vast topic typically covered in AP Biology we will be looking at it from a regular biology viewpoint. Ensuring we understand the basics!

Ashley B

Session ended.

Biology · session

Introduction to Evolution & Natural Selection - Regular Bio

This unit is all about evolution—one of the most important concepts in biology. Dive in to learn about genetics, fossils, and anatomical evidence for evolution, and explore how natural selection shapes populations and group behaviors.

This session is a great session, if you are new or need a refresher on this topic. Feel free to bring a notebook and jot down any notes you have taken! Please let me know in advance if you can't attend. See you then!

Ashley B

Session ended.

History · session

UNIT 1 Overview of AP WORLD History!

In this session we will be reviewing and recapping for Unit 1 in AP World Hisotry! This a great session if you want to go over unit 1 and prepare for the AP World Exam!

Ashley B

Session ended.

Biology · session

Overview of Mitosis and Meiosis

We will we going over the basics of Mitosis and Meosis! This session is helpful if you want to learn this concept or need a recap on this idea.

Feel free to bring a notebook and pencil to take some notes!

Ashley B

Session ended.

Biology · session

Introduction to Evolution & Natural Selection - Regular Bio

This unit is all about evolution—one of the most important concepts in biology. Dive in to learn about genetics, fossils, and anatomical evidence for evolution, and explore how natural selection shapes populations and group behaviors.

This session is a great session, if you are new or need a refresher on this topic. Feel free to bring a notebook and jot down any notes you have taken! Please let me know in advance if you can't attend. See you then!

Ashley B

Session ended.

Biology · session

🌿Exploring Diversity Among Plants (Makeup)🌿

In this session, we will cover the classification of plants, this includes the difference between Vascular Plants and Non-Vascular Plants, importance of tree rings, and why action is needed to be taken in order to save endangered plant species. This session is makeup session for a learner; however, anyone can feel free to join! Bring a paper and notebook and get ready to take notes!

Ashley B

Session ended.

Biology · session

🌿 Exploring Diversity Among Plants🌿( Bio Intro)

In this session, we will cover the classification of plants, this includes the difference between Vascular Plants and Non-Vascular Plants, importance of tree rings, and why action is needed to be taken in order to save endangered plant species. Please let me know in advance if you can't attend. See you then!

Ashley B

Session ended.

Biology · session

Introduction to Evolution & Natural Selection - Regular Bio

This session is a great session, if you are new or need a refresher on this topic. This unit is all about evolution—one of the most important concepts in biology. Dive in to learn about genetics, fossils, and anatomical evidence for evolution, and explore how natural selection shapes populations and group behaviors. Feel free to bring a notebook and jot down any notes you have taken! Please let me know in advance if you can't attend. See you then!

Ashley B

Session ended. peer tutoring, for free.


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