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Andy C


Joined Jan 2024 · He/Him · 9:22 PM Local

Featured Feedback


I loved the feedback on the methods I was using to solve the questions. And I also found it really helpful when you explained why certain formulas came to be. This really helped me remember some of my geometry.

Learner · 11 mo. ago

Thank you for this session! I felt like it was a good start and I felt very comfortable in the study group!

Learner · 11 mo. ago

You did a great job of asking for his previous knowledge on the topic to help adapt the session to his needs. In general, try to keep the student leading and trying to solve the problem so that they are engaged and can practice their learning. Also, try to make more of an effort to pause and ask if a student understands the material. Rather than vaguely saying, "do you understand, you can ask specific questions such as "did you understand how I did ___" or "did you understand why did ___" to pinpoint where a potential question could arise. Other than that, you did really well during the session.

Tutor · 1 yr. ago

Your use of diagrams was an amazing way to explain the questions. It was also good how you briefly touched on soh cah toa to clear up any confusion Nadim had. Overall, your explanations showed you had an extensive understanding of the topic.

Tutor · 11 mo. ago

Thank you so much! Your lessons have been very helpful and I appreciate your patience.

Learner · 11 mo. ago peer tutoring, for free.


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