How to Earn Your Gold Medal in Congressional Award through Khan Academy's Digital SAT Prep and Schoolhouse
2nd session
I plan to cover:
- the basics of the Congressional Award expectations
- the Khan Academy Digital SAT Prep Features
- the Schoolghouse tutoring as the Community Impact Project
I regularly give presentation to community on the first two topics. I'll include the third one for the first time.
How can you differentiate yourself from the others in your college application?
How can you have a meaningful Community Impact Project in your PJs?
How can you get your well-deserved recognition while you improve yourself in Digital SAT and tutoring others on the courses you feel comfortable at?
Congressional Award's Mission Statement: The Congressional Award provides opportunities for young people to unleash their potential by achieving personal goals focused on volunteerism, character development, and fitness.
Link to its description: [](
Link to its Program Book: []([](
Link to its registration: [](
Please join me to learn how to meet the requirements of the prestigious Congressional Award while you improve yourself in the Digital SAT and help others.