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SAT® Bootcamps
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Advait S

Joined Jan 2024 · He/Him · 4:21 PM Local


Hi! I'm Advait (pronounced add-vite) and I'm a rising high school senior from California. I'm super grateful to be here!

I am currently a tutor in Prealgebra, Algebra 1, Calculus, and SAT Math. I plan to branch out to other subworlds in the future. I have taken AP United States History, Chemistry Honors, AP Computer Science A, and AP Calculus BC. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions, as I'm here to help!


Feb 2024 - Present

United States of America







Countries Reached


Learners Impacted


Sessions Hosted


Tutoring Minutes


100% Mastery
Algebra 1
100% Mastery
100% Mastery
SAT Reading & Writing
SAT Math


Khyla V
James M
Ashwini K
Nichole M
Allan L
Rajalakshmi S
Dana C
Ashwini K
Rem L
Hanna G

Upcoming Sessions

AP Calculus BC August Bootcamp

    12th session

Content: This series will be covering AP Calc BC at a fast pace. We will cover all the content and do a final practice session while doing practice problems along the way. Expectations: Learners are required to actively engage and enjoy Calculus as well as ask plenty of questions. We may also have games and fun activities for review at the beginning of each class. Prerequisites: Learners must have completed Precalculus through self-study or as a course and be ready to learn a lot of topics in a short amount of time. Homework policy: Homework will contain the topic's practice so please make the time to finish the homework and the assessments. Materials needed: * Paper and pencil/pen to take notes * Calculator (optional for this Bootcamp but required for the AP exam) - we may cover some aspects of the calculator. I hope to see you there!

Rajalakshmi S and Advait ...


Featured Feedback


Thank you for the session! It really helped me a lot to improve my geometry and trig skills and my overall SAT math approach!

Learner · 1 mo. ago

You did a wonderful job navigating mistakes by learners. When Jovan did not know where the rational function was undefined in your introduction to removable discontinuities, you guided him step by step to the answer instead of just giving the answer to him.

Tutor · 1 mo. ago

The learners were able to identity the different types of discontinuities and when limits did not exist by looking at graphs. They were also able to understand how to solve for limits algebraically by the end of 58:00.

Tutor · 1 mo. ago

thank you for this session! I learned a lot and fixed the mistakes, I love how interactive it was.

Learner · 1 mo. ago


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