Video Game Resource Dynamics and Real Life
So, video games. They get a bad rep. They can be a distraction, some say. They can be stigmatized as an addiction for a new audience. However, those who play video games know the bigger picture.
Video Games throw a reflection on some aspects of real life, magnified to a graphic format. Any competitive game, no matter what, is a competition between opponents over different resources and different tactics to obtain it. So, this series will be tackling different occurrences in real life and comparing it to video games to give an understanding of how different video games can show different ideas in real life.
Specifically, I will selecting a few games to demonstrate real-world issues using video games as an example.
For now we will be focusing on these resource dynamics-
Space in Chess- How can we relate this to geopolitical conflicts and how can we use this in real life?
Vision in League of Legends- How can we relate this to this modern era of communication and how can we take advantage of "vision" in real life to make us truly successful?
Resources in Minecraft- How can we relate this to the different conflicts over resources currently and how can we use our resources to our advantage?
If you aren't familiar with any of these and want to suggest more (maybe to tell your parents how your favorite game helps you IRL) shoot me a message and I will look into it!