Hey Harishitha, Hope you're having a good day 😀! It's great to see you getting involved with live help and helping SHW try and reach its goal with live help! It’s great to see that you were so energetic and excited to help out! I think that made the learner feel more at ease and well done for checking in with them on how they are doing. Its great that you jumped straight in and asked them what they needed help with. It great that you added different colours to your annotations to make them very clear, the annotations were very clear and easy to understand. Well done for supporting the learner and ask questions as you were going along. Well done for getting the learner to talk through their steps. Its great to see you ask questions as you’re going along. Thank you for what you do for SHW. If you have any questions, queries, concerns, or you just want to chat with somebody I'm always available on slack - Kirill K 🦺
Tutor · 3 yr. ago