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Lee M


Joined Oct 2021 · She/Her · 8:33 AM Local

Featured Feedback


I liked that we went through some questions in the SAT Prep step-by-step, it helped me understand how certain problems should be solved. Thank you.

Learner · 2 yr. ago

Hello Lee! Hope you're having a good day 😀! You do a great job inviting the learner to participate well done for creating such a welcoming atmosphere. I think you did a great job explaining the content in a crisp and concise manner, using examples, and checking in with your learner to make sure they understood the theory. I love how supportive you were of the learner I love to see tutors being so passionate at SHW. Your use of practice problems was awesome. Thank you for what you do for SHW. If you have any questions, queries, concerns, or you just want to chat with somebody I'm always available on slack - Kirill K 🦺

Tutor · 2 yr. ago

She provided really good strategies to manage the time in the reading and writing section. Also, she tried her best to go over the questions, and if I had questions she tried her best to answer it.

Learner · 3 yr. ago

Thank you for the session! I really enjoyed it because you had us answer the question before you explained it. I like that because it gives us a chance of working on it before you give us the answer and like its not just you getting the right answers, it is also us getting the right answers.

Learner · 3 yr. ago

Hi Lee! Great job answering the learners questions and I really want to thank you for creating a live help room to help one learner as helping one learner goes a long way. You did a great job explaining the problems. Keep up the good work!

Tutor · 2 yr. ago

I really enjoyed the session! I wasn't bored at all and my confidence improved a lot!

Learner · 2 yr. ago

They where really great through out the session they made sure I understood every question we reviewed and they where willing to follow up with me. All in all they made a very great tutor they deserver all there props thanks for the great session I recommend them to all my friends. Thanks for the great session it really helped me hope you get all the props you deserve.🤗🎉

Learner · 3 yr. ago peer tutoring, for free.


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