Eashan isn't hosting anything soon, but you can follow them to get updates on future sessions.
7 Series
We will go through a lot of identities over two days! This will be fast-paced but anyone familiar with trigonometry should come. We will do a lot of practice with khan academy. We will have a range of question difficulty from very easy to challenging. I am so excited to meet y'all!
Eashan T
Have you ever wanted to graph flowers? We will familiarize ourselves with the polar coordinate system, converting from cartesian to polar, graphing polar equations, and learning about the shapes of them.
We’ll go over parts of a circle, circle theorems, and equations of circle. We will have a lot of practice with this topic via Khan Academy, Quizizz, and Kahoot!
This is for Madhavan V. Please don’t join if you are not him.
I plan to cover conic sections which includes parabolas, circles, ellipses, and hyperbolas with emphasis on practice and connecting each of the 4 types.
In the first session, I will go over solving and factoring cubic equations. In the second session, I will go over graphing and transformations of cubic functions. I will use Khan Academy and Quizizz/Kahoot.
I plan on covering all of trigonometry from 10th grade level to 12th grade level. You should have a basic understanding of geometry and algebra 1 before joining the session. These will be 90 minute sessions with optional practice from Khan Academy.
1 Session
Enrichment · session
Wed Jul 19, 2023, 11:02 PM peer tutoring, for free.