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Farah A


Joined Aug 2024 · She/Her · 6:32 AM Local


My name is Farah aka Joy in Arabic! I am currently a high school senior with excellent academic performance. I like to share techniques and strategies on how to overcome academic obstacles and become a top student.


Nov 2024 - Present








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Alicia Z
Hafiz Huzaifa H
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Jake H
Lucas D

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I will go through the rubric one at a time! Check learners' prior knowledge: Since this is a series, and the learners seemed to have joined previous sessions, I marked this N/A because it seems that you know where your learners are at! One thing I would do is have a warm up question about the last session you did. This would allow you to make sure the learners understand and you can build off. Nice job overall! Adapted to learners' unique needs: I love how you ask questions like "Does that make sense?" and let the learners ask their own questions to see what they need help with! One thing I would do is giving some examples, and asking the learner is this a good example of hook, for example. This could let the learners know how to effectively write a good hook, etc. Good job overall! Continuously engages learners: I love how you discuss the content a lot! You discussed how you write a good thesis, and overall a good introduction. One thing I would do is let the learners write a hook they think is good, and let them explain the process they had behind writing it. This would allow the learners to take ownership of the problem, and for you to see what they need help with. Overall, bravo! Confirms learners' progress: I love how you provided a practice problem at the end. This would allow them to solve this problem when they are done with the session, and you can see if they made progress. Great job!

Tutor · 28 days ago

I love the slideshow that you used to explain how to write an essay. You explained clearly how to write an introduction. You also showed how to write an effective hook! I love the way how you explained how to bridge the gap too between both the hook and the body paragraphs! One thing I would do is give some more examples of introductions, etc. This would help the learners learn each step of the way. Great job overall!

Tutor · 28 days ago

Yes, there is definitely progress. The learners learned how to effectively write a good thesis statement, and overall a good introduction. The question at the end would let you know what they need help with. Good job!

Tutor · 28 days ago

Thanks a lot! The explanations were great, looking forward to next week class. Have a nice day

Learner · 1 mo. ago


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