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Benjamin T


Joined Aug 2024 · He/Him · 7:08 PM Local

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Thanks for being understanding and going above and beyond with explaining concepts!

Learner · 22 days ago

I liked the active whiteboard, as seeing math in process allows the student to understand it much better. I also really loved that they talked about splitting concepts up to better comprehend the concepts. Something that could be improved is just being a little more prepared for possible questions. Of course, with the scope of calculus this is difficult, so I think the tutor did the best that they could.

Tutor · 1 mo. ago

Your explanations were the some of the best I've ever seen in a peer review. You were helpful, intuitive, and went at a good pace. That tangent line problem was challenging with lots of steps, but your explanation made it highly understandable. I like that you used different colors on your whiteboard to help differentiate between different variables/symbols/etc. Adding in links to relevant Khan videos was a nice touch, too. I'm going to try using the same whiteboard website as you! No recommendations.

Tutor · 1 mo. ago

I thought you were friendly, approachable, and respectful throughout the session. I would recommend briefly introducing yourself at the start of sessions as well as referring to learners by name. I would also recommend deliberately commending learners when they get something correct, especially when solving challenging problems. For example, when the learner figured out cos(h-1)/h wasn't necessarily undefined, adding some brief words of encouragement (e.g. "Great job! That was a difficult question") after confirming they were right would have helped keep the learner encouraged.

Tutor · 1 mo. ago

Thanks for explaining derivative rules!

Learner · 1 mo. ago

Great job interacting with learners! I really loved how you comfortable talked with the students like it was a conversation, and it wasn't one-sided at all. Before you begin solving problems, however, try to get a feel for what level they are, by checking their prior knowledge. Perhaps on the first problem, after recognizing partial decomposition, you could ask about if they've learned it and how they would go about using that to solve this problem. I think you did a great job adapting to learners' needs - although like I said earlier, brushing up on some of the more advanced topics would help you better accommodate learners' problems. I love that you continuously engaged learners one-on-one, however instead of keeping people waiting, you could ask other learners about their thoughts on the current problem! Finally, one tiny thing I think you should do is to give some extra problems at the end to check if the learner has comprehended the topic. Other that that amazing job!

Tutor · 1 mo. ago

Thank you so much Ben! You helped me more than I could expect.

Learner · 1 mo. ago

Yes, there is somewhat evidence that the learners made progress throughout the session , by telling Benjamin he understands it and has a pretty solid understanding of what is happening. Nice job on helping James with the MVT Theorem and the different types of concepts part of it! It seems like you have a solid understanding of calculus, specifically, the MVT Theorem, proving differential, continuous functions, etc. Although, calculus is a tough subject and it can be forgetting, you did a great job explaining to James the MVT Theorem and many challenging concepts part of it. Great job!

Tutor · 2 mo. ago

Thank you for hosting this session and teaching me U-Substitution! :)

Learner · 2 mo. ago

Thank you for this session and answering my math questions. You did a great job explaining clearly.

Learner · 2 mo. ago

Thank you for the zoom help! Looking forward to tomorrow's session!

Learner · 2 mo. ago

I think the tutor did the best they could with the student responding through chat. I was surprised at how upbeat they were in spite of this issue. I also really liked how they were acting humble when explaining concepts, as it makes the student feel a lot more comfortable asking questions.

Tutor · 1 mo. ago

You definately have a very firm and immediately available knowledge of the content you were reviewing with the student! Your use of the whiteboard to give the classic drawing and graphical explanation oft he derivative was done very well and it is obvious that you are experienced both in the mathematical side of this but also in the tutoring side. While your drawings and explanations were very well done, they could have been slowed down a bit to ensure the student is completely following. While the principles you were explaining were relatviely straightforward, slowing down a bit and adding a few more details could help deliver your message more effectively. For example, your explanation jumped from secant lines to tangent lines very abruptly near the start of the session. Besides this, you did very well! I really liked how you admitted when you were unsure of a certain proof for a trignometric formula but proceeded to give the learner some resources on how they could find it out for themselves after the session.

Tutor · 1 mo. ago

I thought you did an excellent job engaging the learner. I like that you continuously checked in with them while you were explaining concepts to keep them "in the loop" and ensure they were understanding. I would recommend asking more open-ended questions to learners—questions that prompt the learner to share and apply some of their existing knowledge. For example, when you explaining the question with the derivative of sin(x), you could have asked something like "can you think of any trigonometry properties/identities that might be helpful here?" I think that particularly in calculus, learning and practicing applying the "foundational" trigonometry identities on the fly into more complex ones is really important since memorizing every identity is very burdensome.

Tutor · 1 mo. ago

Yes, the learner said they understood your explanations. Although, if time permits, I would recommend confirming learners' progress with a practice question or two after you've explained lots of concepts.

Tutor · 1 mo. ago

It seems like you have the basic knowledge of calculus and you do a great job explaining your thought process to the learners! I really enjoyed how you walked through the L'Hopital problem with Meklit and thoroughly explained all the steps. However, there were a few things that did seem to stump you a little - which is totally fine! For example, the 3-way partial decomposition and the integration with trig sub seemed a bit difficult for you, so maybe next time you can study those before coming to the session! (Side note: you could solve the trig sub integral using u sub on sqrt(9 + x^2)!)

Tutor · 1 mo. ago

There is definitely evidence that the learner's made progress as both students were able to understand your solution and followed along as you asked them questions throughout the process.

Tutor · 1 mo. ago

You did a great job adapting to the learner's unique needs, continuously engaging with James, and most of the part checked and confirmed his knowledge and progress throughout. The only advice I'll give is to maybe make practice questions prior to the session or ask James to solve specific questions on what he was struggling with, so you can make sure he mostly understands the concept and to show his progress. I think practice questions or exercises are a big deal, especially in calculus. Other than that, great job!!

Tutor · 2 mo. ago

Benjamin did strengthen the learner's confidence for the most part. What I liked a lot was the environment was very positive, opening, and respectful. It was a comfortable environment, where learners like James don't have to be shy and ask questions. Environment is one of the most important aspects of a meeting, so great job on that. Overall, you did a great job with this session!! I highly recommend you to make practice questions or exercises, and maybe even provide some practice resources in case the learner still doesn't understand what's going on after the session.

Tutor · 2 mo. ago

Thank you very much for the live session! I got the most out of it and I'm looking forward to the next one.

Learner · 2 mo. ago


Learner · 2 mo. ago peer tutoring, for free.


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